Advantages of java programming in software industry

The modern history of computers was set to change forever when in 1995 James Gosling of Sun Micro systems unveiled Java to the world. Since then, there has been no turning back and Java is the most popular programming language preferred by programmers the world over. It is used to design software as well as a host of other web applications.

Like most programming languages it is constantly evolving and the language has been tweaked a lot over the past fifteen years to smoother it out as well as improve its efficiency. Even though Java has a totally different purpose it can very easily be compared to PHP which was also released in the same year. While PHP is used to design innovative websites, it is an open source language just like Java which means it is freely available to the public at large.

The advantages of the Java programming language are many but what can be more important than the fact that it is simple to understand and for budding java programmers ( in the virtual world it is a dream comes true. The task of writing and compiling in Java can safely be called lucid and it creates such groundbreaking software applications that it easily found its way into a serious computer user