Amy Wasserman's Collage

Collage is an art that unleashes creativity and passion. It takes a really talented person to master the craft. And one of the talented persons who have established a name in collage making is Amy Wasserman.

Amy Wasserman lives and works in western Massachusetts with her husband, Scott, and Biskit, the love pup. She has worked as collage instructor since 1985. Her clients include Bates Southwest, Business Week, Nickelodeon, Saatchi & Saatchi, Smithsonian, Sports Illustrated, Sports Illustrated for Kids, St. Martin’s Press, TIME, and The Washington Post.

Amy is a graduate of the Pratt Institute of Design, whose work can be found in many mainstream publications like Time, Money, Smithsonian and others. She's been at it for more than ten years, and only recently migrated to the Macintosh for her primary tool. Now Amy creates her true masterpieces on a monster Mac system.

In addition to collage illustration, Amy is also inclined in photography, quilting, knitting, cooks vegetarian gourmet food and loves hiking in the woods with her husband and puppy.

In an article entitled Amy L. Wasserman Collage Illustration featured in DT&G May, 1996 issue, Amy sent a demo disk full of luscious eye-popping collage masterpieces…Now the works of Amy is exhibited in the Design & Publishing Center Gallery.
If you are interested in collage making, you can start by collecting clippings of different images, scaling them carefully, shaping, sanding and gluing them all together to create a magnificent piece of art. You must have passion for the work, because this craft entails a lot of patience. One piece of art is worth hours and hours of work! It is truly exhausting. Sure it is. But the moment that you take a glance at your final output, you’ll be fulfilled - and the next time you know is that you’re already hooked.

Although the Mac and programs like Collage, Photoshop, ColorIT and Painter make it so easy for the masses to create collage, true talent will always outperform all others. The skill that is developed by constant practice blooms into more and more beautiful craft.

Amy Wasserman’s works are really wonderful and extraordinarily amazing! See for yourself and experience a different kind of art. Amy can be contracted for custom-made collages for anything from greeting cards to billboards. This woman is really gifted when it comes to art. Mind you, if you want advice or skill of a pro, catch up with Amy at

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