Apache Webserver - A quick tutorial for new Admins

Apache Webserver - A quick tutorial for new Admins

 by: Christoph Puetz

Apache is one of the most commonly used web servers out there. If you are running your own cPanel server your websites will actually run on Apache. If you're new to administering a web server or just want to learn to keep your managed server under control without yelling for support each and every time it is useful to know some basic Linux commands for Apache. Unless specified otherwise - all commands listed need to be executed from the command line on your server.

How to start, stop or restart Apache (commands need to be executed from the command line)?

Restart: "/etc/rc.d/init.d/apachectl restart"

Stop: "/etc/rc.d/init.d/apachectl stop"

Start: "/etc/rc.d/init.d/apachectl start"

Where is the Apache httpd.conf file located?


How many Apache processes are running on your server at any given time?

"ps auwx |grep httpd |wc -l"

Where is the Apache error log located on the server?


Where is the Apache status log file located on the server?


HTTP Codes

200 Successful Request

304 Successful request, but the web page requested hasn't been modified since the current version in the remote web browser's cache.

401 Unauthorized access. Someone entered an incorrect username / password on a password protected page

403 Forbidden. File permissions prevents Apache from reading the file.

404 Page Not found. The page requested doesn't exist.

500 Internal Server Error

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