Are You Being Harassed by a Cyber Stalker Via Your Email Account?

When most people get on the Internet, they expect to be able to browse the virtual world of cyber-space without having to worry about continuously being harassed by a cyber stalker that cannot seem to just lose their email address. Unfortunately there are several people that surf the web that end up becoming the target of stalking. After a person receives email after email that contains threatening and harassing content, and sometimes even sexually explicit and vulgar language, they can very quickly become downright sick of the continuous attention that has been aimed in the direction of their email inbox. When the emails contain threats, it can also be very frightening when you are on the receiving end of constant harassment.

If you have become the victim of a cyber stalker and you have had all that you can handle, the best choice that you can make is to consult with a private investigator that has the experience to perform a reverse email look-up. The email address of the person that is stalking you is all the information that you will be required to give the investigator that you would like to perform the investigation. One of the good parts of this type of trace is that victims of stalking can receive the results in as little as one day. Sometimes, however, it can take up to a full week before the investigation is completed. There are a variety of factors that are used to determine the length of time that it will take to receive a detailed report concerning the information the investigator finds.

Some people find it amazing when they are able to find out the name of the cyber stalker that has been haunting them, but when a reverse email look-up is performed by an expert, innocent victims can learn a lot more information than this about the stalker. Below you will find some of the most common forms of information that are obtained when email traces are conducted:

The stalkers name

Physical address where the individual lives

Telephone number

Links that are visited by the individual

Information about their employment

The specific type of operating system they use

Other types of helpful information

When you get sick of your email inbox being bombarded by harassing and threatening emails, an email trace can quickly help you identify the person that is guilty of stalking, and give you everything you need to contact the proper authorities.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman