Beware Medical Billing Scams

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Resource Box: After falling for a few scams, Shelley Lockwood
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Beware Medical Billing Scams
By Shelley Lockwood

It's almost impossible to avoid the many online advertisements of
Work from home opportunities.

We're bombarded with variations constantly. When I first began my
online journey, I was intrigued by many of them.

They appeared to be simple enough, and such sure things. After
making a few minor investments, it didn't take long to realize that
most of them weren't quite what they appeared to be.

For instance, I'm sure you've seen advertisements for starting your
own business in Medical Billing.

For a small investment they say you get it all, and a sure winner no

They start the sales pitch by telling you there's a crisis in the health
care system. That doctors and dentists are faced with the difficulties
in handling their paper claim processing.

The opportunity they try to sell you is to establish a business in
processing these medial claims electronically. The customer base
doctors and dentists.

They make it sound like there's a giant waiting list of these
Professionals just waiting for you to come along and offer this
service. In fact they'll even supply you with a list of eager potential
customers. Better yet, their professional sales force will generate
lists of leads on your behalf.

You won't have to sell a thing. You don't need any experience at all.

What's even more amazing is they'll supply you with a complete
turnkey billing operation for a one time "small" investment.

That small investment, usually turns out to be a price tag that
Runs anywhere from $2000.00 to $8000.00. This is supposed to
Include everything that you'll need. Software, training, technical
support and a list of clients.

Rarely do you get a list of eager customers, or a reliable supply of
leads. Like it or not, you will have to sell.

They fail to mention that the competition in the medical billing market
is fierce. That you'll have to compete with several large companies
who are already well established in the market.

They may provide you with references. Don't be fooled, they may be
people who are simply paid to say the right things.

They also won't tell you that most people who purchase this type of
business rarely get off the ground. The initial investment is usually a

Beware this online scam and many others. If you want to earn extra
income by working from home, or if you want to start your own home
business, proceed with caution.

Always, look before you leap. Invest time up front learning as much
as you can about the opportunity and the company offering it.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Shelley Lockwood

About the Author

After falling for a few scams, Shelley Lockwood is now dedicated to helping stop the spread of scams by spreading awareness. Learn more about scams by visiting