Choose A Web Form System That Is Friendly To Screen Readers Like JAWS

We have noticed that every medical and dental office in Toronto is in search of low-cost, reliable methods of streamlining efficiency and organization. With cutting-edge advancements in technology today, health care providers are able to eliminate arduous additional tasks like appointment confirmations and manual scheduling.

Medical web form systems have helped many service providers realize the savings potential of an automated scheduling system by creating custom web forms tailored to the unique specifications of the dental provider using them. With the added convenience of automatic reminders being sent to a patient's Blackberry or mobile phone, time of a receptionist spent on the phone could be spent performing more time-profitable tasks.

However, many medical and dental offices discovered only after implementing the technology, that it offered little assistance to their patients who suffered from severely impaired vision. Aside from a blind patient being able to receive an appointment reminder on her smartphone, all the time-gaining services offered were out of reach.

So what do custom web form systems have to do with the blind? Web surfers with acutely impaired vision use screen readers – such as JAWS (Job Access With Speech) – to browse the internet. Screen readers do not perceive entire pages, they read HTML code throughout the document to 'translate' to the blind. If the medical web form system requires JavaScript to be enabled to view or use the page, it will not be supported by most screen readers.

Finding a medical web form system host who only generates HTML coded web pages is just as important as finding a custom web form system host that can cater to each of your needs.

Online scheduling of appointments eliminates the need for paper calendars. Aside from removing the element of human error, virtual calendars contain a wealth of information that is impossible to store efficiently into a traditional planner. As a web form is being designed to facilitate the ease of a patient scheduling his own appointments, it is important to remember that specific headings with links will allow blind patients to quickly navigate to their desired destination without doubt.

The display of clear and concise headings on each web page will insure more complete and accurate patient data is recorded. This will significantly improve the efficiency of other features offered by the custom web form system, such as retrieving patient records and patient reminders.

Because medical web form systems use SMS mobile technology to send appointment reminders to patient's iPhone or other mobile device, creating a user friendly interface for both blind and seeing patients is crucial in collecting accurate data.

Why leave patients who are blind unaided by virtual convenience? For medical and dental offices who want to increase efficiency on every level, a medical web form system that is screen reader friendly is the most profitable way to go.