Confessions of a Newbie...

The discovery of the autoresponder.

After purchasing a family computer in the big post Christmas sales we were all estatic! The teenager
was thinking e-mail, games, e-mail, the pre-teen, our middle child was explaining to us all how to
use the computer because she "was bought up around computers" and being a nine year old girl, she
knows everything. The wee fellow played with the boxes and Dad got on with making the thing work.
Meanwhile I sat back and mapped out my plans of online riches.

Finally after three long weeks the holidays were over. They were gone, out of my hair, my online empire
could begin. I spent a few days looking, not daring to give my e-mail address just in case I caught a virus.
Then one day while I was looking at a site, a little box appeared, it said that I had been chosen to apply for
an exciting, new, innovative opportunity that was going to take the net by storm. All I had to do was submit
my e-mail address for further information. Well I freaked out, I jumped up, do I do it?, could I do it?, what
happens if I don't do it?, what happens if I do? After much discussion with myself I decided to go for it, I
gave out my e-mail address. Next, of course I went to my mailbox and blow me down there was a reply.
Wow, they must really want me, Im thinking, I am the wo man. I happily filled out the appropriate boxes and
replyed. I did this all day. I followed the very clever path that the very clever marketer led me on. By the time
I went to pick up the children, I could see myself driving my dream car. I had never had a dream car before, but
I had one that day.

We had takeaways for dinner that night. As soon as the man came home he was sent back out the door kids in tow, I
was far too busy to cook for goodness sake, I was about to make us millionaires. Turned out they didnt want me
I lived in the wrong country. I was gutted. It didnt stop me though. I e-mailed the guy and asked him to recommend
something that he thought would be right for me. He didnt reply immediately like he had all day, so, I sent him
another e-mail, and another, and another. Finally close to midnight there was a reply with the suggestion of a
programme he considered to be "one of the best on the web" needless to say I joined, to me this guy was a 'guru'.

I never found out about autoresponders until a few months later when I got my own. I had no idea until then. After
laughing for a few hours at my ignorance I started to think about how I would of handled someone like me. Let's
face it I was a hot, hot prospect. This person had me, I was ready to join whatever opportunity he offered. So my
innocence to the net taught me an extremely profitable lesson.

When you run a campaign that leads your prospects to a finale, check and see what's happening. If there is a hot
prospect or two there, the personal touch will close the sale, every time.

More confessions coming soon...

About the Author

Karenann publishes "Tips for the new or experienced Home Based Business person" If your looking for straight up tips and tricks subscribe for this FREE Newletter today