Crunch Time

Jamaica.And it is crunch time for online marketers.This country
is a hell of a place to be in if you are an online marketer.Even
having access to the Internet is beyond most of us.

Living in a "Third World" country is very challenging for an
online marketer.Survival is the order of the day for a lot of
us.There are some who actually rise above the whirl of
surviving and are thriving though.

Out here in the "Third World", we do not enjoy most of the
amenities as that of the developed world.Owning a computer here
is a privilege; making a career with it is anybody's right
though.Becoming successful online is like taking a hike up Mt.
Everest with all the strings attached.

So what does a guy do ? Give up. Imagine all that hard work
going down the drain.Or fight on.The load may be heavy at times
but time normally eases the pressure.But only if you stick to
your business at hand.

There are some of us who have our names and businesses out
there.Slowly but surely we are turning a profit.Whether it is
money earned or in terms of experience gained.Success cannot be
measured only by the money you make.But rather by the strides
you have made.

Even getting those around us to believe in what we are doing is
a task.Online marketing is a fairly new industry.Anything that's
new or unusual people view it with distrust and uncertainty.Time
will eventually change most people perceptions.

So when you have come to the end of your rope , what do you do ?
Tying a knot to the end of it and holding on would be my best
suggestion.We never know how near success is until we give
up.Then it will be to late.

The key thing is to keep plugging away until the picture
changes.As long as you stay in the race , you are guaranteed a
finishing place.

It doesn't matter where you are or who you are.Being focus and
believing in your goals will pay off.It's an universal law.

To your success and mine.....,


© Nicholas Dixon

About the Author

Nicholas Dixon is the CEO/Webmaster of Oceanroc Web Consulting.Visit our award winning website and subscribe to The Roc newsletter.

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