Distance learning is used extensively in the corporate and academic worlds and more and more interested individuals are taking advantage of the wonderful opportunities it offers to learn and grow.
If you're planning on starting some distance learning courses, here are some things I've learned.
1. Make your courses unusual in some way. There's a lot of competition out there. Try some different graphics or a different format, something that will make them stand out.
2. Be sure they're interactive. This can be as simple a putting polls or quizzes in the course, or asking questions the student can respond to by email.
3. A catchy title works wonders. "Get That Promotion" works better than "How to Get Promoted." Somethign action-oriented and promising works well.
4. Offer options. My courses are asynchronousthat is pre-packagedand ready to go. Once the student has paid for the course, they can choose whether they want the whole thing at one, or delivered to their email once a week.
5. The logistics of a distance learning course are something you don't need to be spending your time on. Get a virtual assistant to keep the roster, mail the courses out, and deliver the completion certificates.
6. Yes, be sure and give your students a certificate at the end. If you aren't that talented, a virtual assistant can create one for you. (Need the name of a good VA, email me!)
7. You must retro your writing style to git distance learning. Get a coach. Take other distance courses and process what works and what doesn't. Practice and get feedback from your coach.
8. Get feedback from your students. They'll tell you how to make the course better.
9. Use one course to promote other courses you offer. There will be plenty of opportunities within the course to tuck in suggestions for further learning opportunities through you.
10. Once your courses are done, they'll be self-running and this is a great source of passive revenue. Turn the logistics over to a VA. You'll answer the responses yourself, which may sound overwhelming, but here's a factadult learning being what it is, many of the students don't make the responses, so it won't be as taxing as you think.
11. Use your correspondence with the students to promote other things that you do. I send the URL each week with an e-note containing further information, notice of other products, and geto-to-konw-you chats. In this way I get many clients for my coaching business.
12. Love it or don't do it. It shows. A distance learning course can be a very personal experienceor should befor the student. Your enthusiasm for your subject, and for your learners must show.
13. Fiddle with the pricing until you've built a faithful clientele base. There's a lot out there for free that you have to compete with. Until they understand how exceptional and different your learning opportunities are, you may have to give away or deeply discount your courses.
It's a great new field. Jump in and have fun!
About the Author
Susan Dunn is a personal and professional growth coach. In addition to private coaching, she offers many distance learning courses on self-development topics. Email her for free ezine.