Unless your very new to the internet, you are no doubt aware of the various "Get Paid while you surf programs". Many of these programs either pay incredibly low rates per hour that it makes the whole process cumbersome or the minimum payout rate is so high that you abandon the program before meeting the minimum payout rate. The other scenario that often happens is that the company closes business before making payments.
As a regular user of many of these programs, I signed up for a recent start up program that pays a reasonable 45 cents per hour to surf, slowly increasing that payout to 75 cents per hour as you collect points. I'm only into this program for a little over two months now, and I can happily report that they have indeed paid me for my surfing on time, and via Paypal. Paypal was the reason behind my decision to join the program.
The money you can earn is limited only to how long you keep your browser open. If you were to keep the browser open for only 7 hours a day, in a week you will have earned $22.05. Imagine if you were to keep it open and running 24 hours a day for one week. That would give you a payout of $75.60 per week.
For more information on this program, you can contact the author at the address below.
About the Author
Jack Callis is a web marketer and developer. For further information, you can visit www.jce-tech.com.