Effective Web Search with Google's My Search History Tool

You were looking for certain information on the web. After several attempts using different words and phrases with your favorite search engine, you finally have found the required information but, as it happens, forgot to bookmark the pages. In a few days when you needed to check out the same pages again, to your utter dismay, you realized that you couldn't recall how you searched out those pages. Sounds familiar? If you are like me, you probably face this problem quite frequently!

Finding the right page link you are seeking from the browser's history feature, out of hundreds of pages that you have visited recently, is not easy either! More over, browser's history page remembers where you have been as you browse the web for a limited time only. Things may be a little easier if you use Google Desktop search or similar tools from other search engines, but again if you don't always use the same computer, even this might not be of much help.

My Search History - a new Google feature

However, thanks to new "My Search History" feature from Google, now you are able to overcome this difficulty. The service, which is still at beta stage and released just recently, provides complete search history of all the past searches made through Google once you install it. The search histories are stored on Google's servers, this enables you to access search histories from any computer. From your search history page you are able to make a query on the search history itself. On the history page at the right side you can see the search words or phrases used for making a query, time of the query made, pages visited related to the query and the page link. At the left side, there is a calendar to check out the search made by you on an earlier date. It also shows how many searches you have done on a certain day and how intense your search activity was on each day. A neat feature, which will help you get rid of the problem mentioned in the beginning of the article, will show you relevant search results from your "My History Pages" along with the new search results while you make a query. "This feature of Google Web search enables you to find information you thought you lost", Google claims on its site.

About the Author

shuth is the webmaster with 6 years experience in web design & development.
http://www.cybertionary.com is the new project by him which is provide information for internet & computing terms.
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