Email Crush!

Analysts predict that the volume of email on the Internet,
most of it junk, will grow another 50 percent in 2002.

That is a lot of email!

With estimates that the number of Internet users is nearing
the 1 billion mark, the amount of email floating around the
Internet is only going to increase and problems will get worse.

Anyone online can tell you that a huge part of the problem
is SPAM, or the Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE).

The subject has been beaten like a dead horse and no viable
solution is in sight. No, not even federal legislation can stop
or fix this problem adequately.

The person or person(s) that do find the solution will go down
as genuine heroes in Internet history.

Ironically, there is another side to this entire problem that
has yet to be addressed. The irony is that it comes to us
from established, legal sources, not the spammers.

We have all received their email.

The From: field says, "Mail Delivery System".
The Subject: field says, "Mail Delivery Failed".
And the Body: of the email begins with, "This
message was created automatically by mail
delivery software (Exim)."

This is especially true if you have a mailing list.

I send out email to my list of over 7100, 100% OPT-IN
subscribers twice each week and it causes me to be
bombarded with hundreds of emails daily!

It starts with an email message that states, "WARNING",
your message could not be delivered but you need do nothing.

Then they follow up that message with the "Mail Delivery Failed",
the vast majority of those emails simply tell me that the intended
recipient has a "Full Mail Box".

Finally, I receive another email letting me know that they have
still been unable to deliver my email and that it is being deleted
from their list.

For each email I send out that does not make it to where it is
intended, I get back at least three emails.

My experience has been that at least 5% to 10% of every
mailing I send out will come back to me as "Not Delivered".

That means that each time I send out my list of over 7100
subscribers, I get back at least 2100 "Message Not Delivered"

Sending out my list twice weekly means I generate over 4200
email replies that I did not request and I do not need nor want!

As far as I am concerned, if my subscriber does not receive my
email because their mail box is full, it is their loss - not mine.

My advertisers do not lose out either as I take these undeliverable
emails into account when posting my subscriber numbers, officially
listed as 6384 this week.

Imagine how much less email would be floating around if
they would simply NOT tell me it was not delivered.

Perhaps the biggest such offender is Exim,

"Exim is a message transfer agent (MTA) developed at the University
of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected to the Internet.

It is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. Its facilities are extensive and in particular it has some
defenses against mail bombs and unsolicited junk mail in the
form of options for refusing messages from particular hosts,
networks, or senders."

It is unfortunate that we as email recipients can not refuse
email from them!

This organization is otherwise providing an invaluable service
online and at no charge to those that use their software.

Yet the feature of reply to senders when recipients do not
receive the email is clogging and choking off the free flow
of the Internet email system.

And this is not the only problem generated by and from
the established, legal sources of email delivery.


The Love Virus that circled the globe in 2000 caused over a
billion dollars in damage to businesses and individuals.

Daily, I receive scores of infected emails that I simply delete.

So why is this problem allowed to continue?

Why are viruses not deleted by those computers set up
to forward email around the world and that form key parts
of what we know as the Internet?

All of this excessive email flow and virus email is
causing us "Email Crush!"

It is time to express our opinions to people that can
help us do something about these two major problems.

For FREE information on how and to whom you can voice
your opinion, send a blank email to our auto-responder at:

We can make a difference!

About the Author

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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