Everyone Ought To Have Two Monitors

People are starting to really appreciate just how many things you can do today on your home computer these days. From incredibly realistic video games, to chatting with people from around the world, to even creating your own websites, there is literally no end to what you can to with today's personal computer. You are truly only limited by your imagination.

Recently, many people have been discovering the many uses of having an additional monitor. Only used by hard core computer geeks and programmers until only a few years ago, an additional monitor is becoming more and more mainstream today. There are plenty of reasons why you could use one today. If you think you may get something out of having an extra monitor, then this article is for you. By the time you finish reading this, you'll probably come up with a couple reasons to go out and get one.

Naturally, the biggest advantage to having an extra monitor is that you'll have at least double your desktop space. That means that instead of having to toggle between programs, and try to remember what you had where, you can simply have them all open on either screen. That way you'll be much more efficient, as you have to keep maximizing, minimizing, and trying to fit everything on your small, one screen desktop.

Let's say you like working on your documents while you like to have YouTube videos running in the background. You can open up the video on another monitor, set it to full size, and work on your document in your main screen. You can choose any play list of any length, and choose some soothing music to help you work.

Another use of dual monitors is video conferencing. If you are having a detailed conversation about some specific topic, you can have one window containing a document with all your notes and other relevant information, and the video playing on the other screen. This can make you much more productive.

Building websites is another task that easily lends itself to using two, or even three monitors. Whether you build websites for fun, for profit, or as a full blown business, this can dramatically help you save time. Simply have the website building software open in your main screen, and have the finished version of your web page open on the other monitor. Even if you are making small changes to a Wordpress blog, this can save you a lot of time, as you won't have to toggle between screens.

Naturally, these simple ideas for using an additional monitor are just the tip of the iceberg. Now that you've got this idea in your mind, you'll start coming up with plenty once you start thinking of the possibilities. And after you start using another monitor, you'll wonder how you managed to get by with only one.