Facebook - A New Way to Communicate

Social media marketing is here to stay. It is the new way of communicating for both businesses as well as individuals. With all things, there are fans and there are cynics. However, there is no denying its impact. A crucial tipping point in how the world communicates has been passed. Online social media is now mainstream. Nearly everyone has some method of social media be it Twitter or Facebook. Facebook and Twitter have certainly become the main tools by which small businesses and the upwardly mobile engage the outside world.

From the rise of Facebook a new method of marketing has developed. Social Media Marketing is now one of the primary means of relating new products and services to the world. Social media is perfect for getting the word out. It is fresh, fast and free. Sure, there is some effort to it after all, you have to Tweet or write on your wall several times daily, but it's free. Let's say it again. Free.

Facebook allows you to freely contact your friends, family, potential employers and potential customers. You can market yourself or business by establishing an engaging online profile. You have the potential, if you are clever and savvy, to reach out to and influence a wide customer base. Friend people, Write on their walls, Create events that will post to their walls, Comment on someone's status, Review a movie, Play games, Having fun is now work