Guess 'WHO' Can Stop Sp^am!

Guess 'WHO' Can Stop Sp^am!

These days there are plenty of articles
on the troubling issue of sp^am...plenty of
articles and plenty of feedback to these articles.

From all this tortured outpouring the general consensus seems to be that most networkers - who accept this necessary evil as an unavoidable consequence of being online - most feel the answer to the problem lies in the 'delete' key.

But while the 'delete' key and 'sp^am filters' (which seem to have created more problems than they have solved) are effective means to fight sp^am, these methods do not inform the
sp^ammer his mail is being deleted and so he/she goes about their merry task happily unaware of any reductions in their 'response rate'.

What if we could add a slight modification to the 'deleting and filtering'...

There is every possibility that a sp^ammer may be reaching you with a product you require. What if
- in these cases - you visit the website MINUS the affiliate code, make your purchase and if the sp^ammer's email had a contact address, thank him/her for sending you the info while also informing them how they have missed their affiliate earnings because
they sp^ammed you instead of coming in like genuine and responsible networkers.

This of course will not stop all sp^am because sp^am containing affiliate links is just one small section of the huge sp^am 'market' but as word spreads it could deal a 'death-blow' to this section atleast.

Even where other forms of sp^am are concerned, the sp^ammer's email will contain keywords of the product/service they are advertising. If this product
or service is of interest those keywords could be used in any major search engine thus rewarding serious networkers who have spent time and
money setting up websites, submitting them to search engines, and have been working hard for people to find them and their business.

Of course, considering the amount of daily sp^am one receives, the delete/filter options will have to
be used but where ever possible this alternative should be used too.

I believe these ideas will work if we can spread the word far and fast and especially to reach sp^ammers themselves. The more sp^ammers know
what is being done with their sp^am mail - besides deleting and filtering - the less attractive will the sp^am option get.

So don't hesitate to send this on to your friends and spread the word all over the internet neighborhood.

Let's Help the New-born Newbie and
Genuine Networkers like OURSELVES...

Let's make 2003 largely 'spm-fhree'
I mean sp^am-fr^ee...
I mean spa^m fre...
I mean spm f^ree...
I mean...Oh, forget it!

Do include my resource box if you do so. Thanks!

Would it be justified to use a sp^ammer's resources to blast this email to millions? Why Not Indeed!

:) Just Jokin'

About the Author

Jerome's evolving his spiritual side of online marketing by offering fr^ee info of deeply-motivating, karma-free kind of 'Success Knowledge' and 'Doable Opps'
Click Here for the fr^ee info:'subjectspmfre