Have The Anti Spam Groups Lost Touch With Reality

Every time I think the anti spam hysteria has gone as far
as they can to make marketer's lives miserable, they prove
me wrong and push the envelope even further.

The sad part of this problem is there are so many marketers
that sympathize with them. One well know marketer has even
gone so far as to compare myself, and other marketers who
feel this situation has gotten out of hand, to the X-Files.

I really have to laugh at the pot calling the kettle black.

Here are two incidents from one day that will show how
absurd this situation has become.

I received an email from one of my subscribers complaining
they were unable to remove themselves from my list. I
emailed them and let them know I would contact my list
provider and do my best to have the situation corrected as
quickly as humanly possible.

I also asked them to please let me know if they received
future mailings so I could find out why support hadn't
corrected the problem.

What was their response?

I received an email two days later. You are still sending
me emails and if it keeps up I'll have to report you as a

Amazing! How understanding, how charitable.

Imagine the rush it must give someone to be able to hold
a sword over my head. Imagine their feeling of power.

Well I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, but I wouldn't care
if they held a gun to my head, the situation was beyond my
control and their efforts would be better served making
their business grow.

Ah! The X-Files get even thicker!!

On that same day I receive an email to my abuse department.

I don't have an abuse department, but nobody said these
groups were populated by geniuses.

The story even gets better. They were emailing me to report
a spam complaint against a fellow publisher.

Maybe it's me, but it seems slightly foolish to send a
complaint to:

1. A Non existent spam department.

2. Asking a board member of E-crucible to reprimand a fellow

Wait here's the kicker!!

I should punish him because one of my articles was in his

I must be dumb as a stump. I never considered punishing a
publisher for running my articles.

Whoa Daddy!! I'm an X-Filer and they're the politically
correct, sane, rational masters of the internet.

If these are the geniuses ruling the web, I'm more than
satisfied being the dullest ax in the shed.

I owe them a debt of gratitude. Every time I find myself
becoming too complacent, they send one of these foolish
threats and get my blood flowing.

In the words of Pat Benatar, "Hit me with your best shot,
fire away."

I'm content being the "Unforgiven,"

Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi

About the Author

John Colanzi.
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