Having troubles with Flash

Web-designers, web-masters, Flash professionals and those new to Macromedia Flash products, sooner or later face the problem: most SWF files take time to load and run. There are some ways to cope with a few optimization parameters and make your SWF somewhat smaller. However, the results of such attempts are overwhelmingly insufficient, so now SoftInfinity presents a different approach to Flash optimization.

Flash Optimizer has been designed as a handy utility, intending to assist Flashers in intellectual optimization of SWF files. Flash Optimizer has been available for people worldwide for 2 months and proved to reduce SWF files size up to 60-70% without quality loss. Do you think it’s impossible? It is not. Flash Optimizer uses amazing algorithms of vectors, shapes, morphing, Z-buffer, fonts and other optimizations that let it perform compression with impressive results. Wouldn't you enjoy being able to optimize not just a separate part of your Flash movie, but the whole SWF, including curves, zero-objects, ZLib optimization plus other advanced techniques?
The program has been thoroughly thought out by the company’s highly qualified programmers, which results in its performance. The program provides you with two types of compression configurations: simple and profound. This allows you customize more than 50 separate options for each specific SWF and reach the optimum compression with minimum quality loss. Or you can use optimization settings determined by other users and developers. In addition, the menu and layout are understandable and easy to navigate, so that even beginners will feel home with the buttons and configurations.

You are welcome to visit http://www.softinfinity.com/products/flashoptimizer to see full features list and try a free version of this handy tool.

About the Author

Marianne M. Gorenstein