Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line

Helping You Choose From Cell or Land Line

 by: Declan Tobin

Most of us have two phones, our cell and our land line (house phone). Realistically many people are paying two bills when one is sufficient. The cell phone is still more expensive than the house phone but with the massive increase of people signing up in the mobile world prices continue to fall. If you are working during the day the chances are you are only using your house phone in the evening.

What should I do?

The evening tends to be the cheapest rate for using your cell phone so you need to average out both bills. There are a number of different aspects to consider when deciding on moving to cell phone only. If you live in a large city the chances are your cell phone reception is as good as your land line but if you live in a more remote region the reception may not be all that clear or consistent.

Look into the different types of cell plans available to maximise the amount of free text and talk time minutes. Check the different cell phone carriers and see what options they are offering. Too many people in this country do not look around for better value. Not all cell carriers are offering the same deals. It has never been easier to change from one carrier to another without changing your cell number.

A survey completed recently by a major telemarketing company in Ireland has shown that over 68% of cell phone users make calls on their cells at home although they have a land line available to them.

Two monthly line rentals to pay:

No matter what way you look at free minutes and text etc you are paying two monthly rentals, one from your cell phone and the other from your land line. If you intend calling people in different states your cell phone roaming charges can be expensive unless you are on a high service plan. If you look around you will find cell carriers offering plans without roaming charges.


Cell phones services are ever improving. At the moment land line is still a more steady reliable service but this gap is closing fast. People living in major cities will find little to choose from the two services provided from land and cell and the move to cell phone only in made a little easier. For people in more rural areas the decision tends to be more difficult to choose as cell phone coverage may not be as reliable as land line coverage so people have both phones.

Cell phone advantage:

SMS Text is a great way to minimise your spending. If you call a friend or family member on the land line it can be difficult to make the call a quick call without sounding rude. Cell SMS text is ideal fast and a cheap way to arrange a meeting place or pass a brief note and is widely used by most cell phone users.

Land line advantage

Currently the land line phone is cheaper than the cell phone when making calls. The coverage is generally excellent and land line telecom companies are fighting hard by reducing pricing to keep the cell phone companies at bay.


I myself use a cell phone for all my calls. I have the advantage of living in a large city where coverage is equal to that of a land line. I have a maximum cell plan with free talk time minutes and text. You do need to do some research and compare the two bills and see if changing your cell phone plan will make eliminating your land line any easier. With the coverage increasing all the time soon cell phones will far outstrip the land line telephone. Generally speaking if you live in an area of good cell phone coverage you should be able to eliminate your land line and save money.