Honey, I Shrunk the Chip!

Let's get small, real small, and then we can go anywhere!
No, I'm not advocating we shrink ourselves, but rather
discussing dramatic changes coming now that computers can
be tiny and inexpensive. Recent movement in conservative,
and previously very scarce venture capital investments
(in two notable areas) suggests a brave new world of
inexpensive, ubiquitous computing could be approaching.

What's ubiquitous computing and who cares about nanotech?
These are the areas gaining that precious VC funding now.
When I tried to discuss them with my wife she was NOT
interested, so naturally I assumed that most folks would
feel the same. But I'm fascinated, I gotta discuss this
with someone! Hang on and let's go for a tiny ride.

Imagine a tube so small that it's 100,000 times smaller
round than a human hair, so small that atoms must pass
through them in single file! These tiny tubes are the new
building blocks of miniature computing. I won't attempt a
description here as I'm still a little foggy on the idea
myself. Suffice it to say that smart folks are working on
building extremely powerful computers that can also be
cheap, efficient and everywhere using carbon nanotubes.

Current chips are called embedded microprocessors. They
come in your watch, your TV remote, kitchen appliances
and your garage door opener. It has been estimated that
the average American home boasts 50 microprocessors. Your
PC has about ten more! The mouse, the keyboard, speakers,
USB interface, etc. each have additional microprocessors.
If you are lucky enough to drive a new Mercedes, you have
65 microprocessors parked right there in your driveway!

About this time, my wife is muttering, "So What!?"

O.K., I did propose a short and tiny ride, so let's take
a left turn now look at what it means if commercially
viable (cheap) nanocomputers become available soon.

First and foremost, small and cheap mean computers'll be
inside everything you buy. They'll put them everywhere
they're currently found, such as your cell phone and PDA.
But where it gets really interesting is when it becomes
cheap enough to embed the little critters in items that
don't currently need computing power. Why? Because they
can! If you want the low-down on these tiny 'puters, go
to the following link for a microscopic trip through
this miniature world.


Venture Capital investments are being made not only by
VC groups who recognize the dramatic potential of tiny
technology, but a VC firm called Ardesta has been formed
to act as a nanotech "accelerator". http://Ardesta.com
Ardesta has built a cheerleading squad around what they
prefer to call "Small Tech", an industry growing smaller
by focusing their microscope on MEMS, or microelectro-
mechanical systems.

Why get small? Microsystems clearly cost less in raw
materials, many of which are plastic. All cost less to
power since they are lightweight and tiny. Some even have
miniature power plants built right in their itty bitty
machinery. Many of the same benefits accrue to carbon
tube nanocomputers being tested now on a pinhead sized

Now comes the fun part! What happens when tiny machines
powered by tiny microprocessors are humming away in tiny
corners of every appliance making them work better, faster,
cheaper and more efficiently? Ubiquitous computing is here!
There's even a conference on this infant technology that is
just over two years old and still in diapers, but growing
fast as it approaches it's third event in September 2002.


The idea here is not to make computers a noticable part of
our lives, but to make them disappear entirely while making
everything easier. Is that clear-as-mud in a really tiny

Not only will all devices, furniture and even clothing be
computing constantly, but they'll each be connected to each
other and to the internet to make life easier for everyone.
As with all utopian dreams, there is a dark side to this
wondrous little liliputian world.

What about privacy?

With our underwear talking to global positioning satellites,
it may be possible to have a really tiny big brother sewn
into the elastic in your shorts. Wearable computers are
available now with blood pressure monitors and tiny insulin-
injecting pumps for those who need them. A microprocessor
controlled artificial leg allowed Curtis Grimsley to escape
the 70th floor of the World Trade Center on September 11.

http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/03 echnology/circuits/03KNEE.html

When all of these tiny computers can talk with each other
and be connected to the web, it's time to take a serious
look at who has access to which microprocessor and when.

I propose that we do that now, before privacy concern becomes
a giant issue in a shrinking world.

About the Author

Mike Valentine does Search Engine Placement for the Small
WebSite101 "Reading List" Weekly Netrepreneur Tip Sheet
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