How To Quickly Diagnose Those Sound Card Problems

When something goes wrong with the sound in our
computer,we want it fixed,and fixed now.Whether
its our favorite game we are playing,or that new
multimedia application we just installed,we simply
must have our sound.

When performing any troubleshooting procedure,
always perform the basic procedures before you
remove that device.Its good to look at your sound
card and become familar with its location,the type
of slot it is inserted into or if it is motherboard

Carefully take note of any cable,connections on or
near the sound card.Sound Card audio loss is no
fun when you are so used to multimedia sound
blasting out of those super woofers.

Follow these procedures as a guideline to
correcting sound card woes.Be sure to consult
the sound card or computer manual for actual
repair procedures. check to see if the speckers have
power.Don't take this for granted.It does
happen that the speakers have no power
or the volume was turned down.

Second..Check to audio cables that connect
the speakers to the computer.Check to be
sure these cables are secure and not damaged

Be sure the audio connector at the rear of the
system unit is inserted into the right connector.
These connections are color coded on new cards.

Third... Check the possibility that your speakers
may be on the blink.Although the speakers very
rarely fail,it is possible that should not be

Fourth...Before replacing the system unit cover,
check and double check to see if the card is
fully inserted into the PCI Slot.

Its possible the card may have crepted out of
the slot if it was not properly secured to the case.

Fifth...After replacing the system unit cover,
reconnecting all peripherals,and turning on the
computer,click to open the Windows system

See if there are problems with the device
drivers which are small software used to allow
the sound card to communicate to the computer.

After you have performed these procedures and
the sound card is not working at all,remove the
card from the computer and try inserting in another

As a last resort,you maybe able to save the
purchase of another card,when there was no

As with all components in your computer,don't
delay too long in learning to identify every
component.Go ahead,remove that system unit
cover and study the inside of your computer.

If you still hesitate to open your system,rush over to to see
every component in the computer.It just may save
you both time and money when you can identify each
component and know what it takes to make repairs.

About the Author

Otis F. Cooper is the author of the award winning
PC Super Pack,the Computer Training By Video
course.For hundreds more free PC repair tips,sign
up for his bi-monthly newsletter and learn the PC
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