How to transfer photos from your digital camera.

There are too many cameras and computers out there, so here's a typical situation.
1. All digital cameras come with photo editing software. Put the installation CD in the CD
drive. Select install. When it's done installing select finish.
2. All cameras also come with a cable to connect your computer to your camera.
Look at the manual to see how it's connected. (Usually the smaller side of the cable goes into the camera and the larger side goes into the computer.)
3. Once you plug the camera and the computer to each other, the camera's software
usually pops up on the screen. It usually says something like transfer all, select and
transfer, or cancel. Select one. If that doesn't work, go to the Start Menu on your
desktop and select Programs. Then select your camera software and open it.

Your photos should transfer to the my pictures folder inside the my documents folder on your desktop for PC. For Mac, there is a photos folder inside your admin folder inside your hard drive icon on the desktop.

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About the Author

Hank is a freelance writer for