In my own experience of marketing, sometimes a
combination of marketing techniques works much
better than if the same techniques were used individually.
For example, take Banner Advertising and Lotto Visitors.
Now everyone knows that Banner advertising no longer
has the click though rate(CTR) that it used to have.
Nowadays, the average CTR is only around 1%,
so purchasing thousands of impressions, and getting
such a low CTR, can seriously put you out of pocket!
The alternative to expensive Banner Advertising,
is to use a FREE Banner Exchange.
You place the Exchange Banner on your own site,
and every time a visitor to your site sees it, you are given
a credit, for your own banner. This is usually around 2:1,
so you need 2 visitors to get 1 of your banners shown
on another site in the exchange.
The problem with this of course, is that if you are getting
zero, or very low traffic already, then the banner exchange
will have virtually no effect on your traffic at all.
This is why banner exchanges have been largely criticised,
since people were under the impression that they would
substantially increase their traffic, and because they thought
this, they became disappointed with the result.
However, banner exchanges do work if you have a reasonable
amount of traffic to start with.
But how do you get a large amount of people to visit your website?
A guaranteed amount of visitors, can be bought at various lotto sites.
How it works, is that people go to a lotto site and can
win prizes ranging from computers to hundreds of thousands
of dollars, and all for free.
However, to participate, they have to agree to visit various
sites. These are the sites of people who have paid the lotto
owner to send the visitors there.
This does work, but only up to a point. If you pay, for example,
for 10,000 visitors to visit your site, then you will get them.
However, these visitors are not targetted. Most of them just
want to get on and off your site as soon as possible to play
their ticket.
Sure, some of them do stay, and look at your site,
but again most site owners are disappointed by the results.
This is where the combination approach comes in.
You use the power of the numbers of lotto visitors
coming to your site, and the banner exchange, to
'convert' the visitors from untargetted to targetted.
This is what you need to do.
Join four different banner exchanges, and place the codes
on your page. (Do not join more than four, or you may
be accused of having a banner farm and will have your
site deleted from the exchange.)
Now if each exchange gives you one exposure for
every two visitors, then four exchanges gives you
four times this amount, which means that for each
two visitors you get four exposures.
So if, for example, you ordered 1,000 visitors from
the lotto site, with the four exchanges, you will
earn 2,000 exposures of your banner ad.
So 2,000 new people will see your banner ad. These
however are quality prospects,who are in the exchange
themselves. These people are far more likely to respond to
what you have to offer, and will click on your banner ad
because they are interested. So now you have targetted,
rather than untargetted traffic!
(Incidentally, a cleverly worded banner, which has been
designed using simple text, rather than sophisticated
artwork and animation, can give you a CTR more like 4%!)
There are many different banner exchanges around, just type in
'banner exchange' at any search engine for a list. Experiment
with different exchanges for best results, however the
following I know to be effective:-
Again there are lots of different Lotto sites, but
here are some examples of good sites:-
So in all of your campaigns, it is not always necessary
to find completely new ways to promote your site.
With a bit of imagination a combination of already
established methods can be highly effective!
About the Author
Paul White is a former teacher who now helps
people around the world to make money online.
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