Internet Sources to Make Money Online with MySpace

There are numerous sources to make money online with MySpace. To diversify is one great option for Internet marketers. Here are some sources of products that you can market through MySpace:

Affiliate marketing

You can link to from this popular profit sharing company. You could select products and promote then. You could choose from a plethora of products.They also provide widgets and product graphics to help you promote. One very good example of these is Google Adsense. Webhosting companies, blogging communities are also into affiliate marketing.

Multi Level Marketing or MLM

This is similar to affiliate marketing but different in the commission scheme. In MLM, you can earn up to the third generation of buyers, depending on what the company offers. You can make money online with MySpace by enlisting other members to become MLM down lines.

Direct advertisers

You can accept direct advertisers to display their product ads in your page. Companies also prefer it because it is cheaper and they can observe readily the performance of their product ads.

Bloggers/website owners

A blogger may request you to post his site