Join The Internet Revolution

There's a change going on. Have you noticed it? Internet Marketing is changing. Learning the ways of the masters is getting easier.

Now you can earn while you learn. Gone are the days when some self-proclaimed expert or guru got you to buy his all-encompassing, never-need-anything else book. You paid maybe $47.00 to over a hundred dollars, and tried to read and understand it. Only to finally give up with a "What did he say?" The book ended up on the shelf and the process started all over again. You didn't learn and you most certainly didn't earn.

Now the "new time" - the new, friendlier dawn. Now you can earn and learn at the same time.

What is the "new, friendlier, take-you-by-the-hand, give-you-a-piece-of-the-pie revolution? Well, you might say, they are income generating programs or associations.

Here's why I call this a revolution. Because, in my opinion, these new income generating programs or associations are going to change web marketing forever. And it's going to change suddenly and for the betterment of you and me - the guys trying to live the dream, be independent, and just make a good living and be left alone to do our thing.

Here's how they work. You join the program. Pay a small fee each month. They provide the goods. They start you off with information products to sell and provide a new one every month. But, you say - "that's an affiliate program." That's what I thought when I heard of the first one.

Boy, was I wrong. See, with affiliate programs you just tout the big boy. The one who has the affiliate program. In order to sell his product and earn 10%, 25%, or maybe 50%, you have to exalt them (the one in control of the program) to the heavens.

He gets all the credit, he gets more and more known, largely through your efforts and others like you. You remain in the background. You never get known. This is not egotism talking - this is business sense.

Look at it this way. I don't know where you live but wherever it is, there is a well known store. In that store many clerks are employed. If you go to the store and make a purchase from a certain clerk, and someone asks you who you made that purchase from, you say the name of the store and not the name of the clerk.

The store gets the publicity - not the clerk. Same with affiliate programs.

If you, the affiliate, steers someone to a certain book and they buy it, they will say they got it from ABC Marketer - not you (the affiliate) who really did most of the work, rounding up the buyer and sending them to the marketer.

Why do they remember the store, the affiliate owner, the name of a car dealership, etc. and not the salesman? Because the book, the store, the auto dealership are branded - they are usually a household name.

There lies the difference in affiliate programs and this new marketing concept. Now, you can be branded - now you can be known. Now you can get the publicity.

Why get the publicity? Because publicity $$$$. Plus you get to keep 100% of the sale up front and your links in the books keep making money for you!

Are you beginning to see the difference? You are the "owner", your name and links are in the book, for all time, as long as that book exists.

You don't get paid just one time, but perhaps many, many times - one year, two years, even five years down the road, as more and more people see, read and click on your links in the book.

Furthermore, remember that book we talked about at the beginning? That big-all-encompassing book that would tell you everything you needed to know about Internet marketing, and ended up on the shelf only partly read and not understood. Well, as I said, now you can learn while you earn.

You see, each of the books you receive from your association covers one subject - in depth, not just a quick skim. So you can master one part of Internet Marketing at a time. At the same time you will be earning and building your business, your future.

This is the new revolution, but it won't be new for long. So if I were you I'd get me a big piece of this pie while it's fresh.

I've found two good ones so far and I have them on my site. There may be others - if not, there will be. I know I'm getting in on the start. I like to get my piece of the pie when it's hot. Better check this out before your piece of the pie gets cold.

May you always walk in sunshine,

Hal Archer

About the Author

Hal Archer has written many published articles and is known
for his marketing skills, having built successful businesses
both online and offline. He can teach anyone how to earn a
full-time living on the Internet.

Visit Hal's website for free information, e-books and free
e-courses on making a guaranteed monthly income: