Those who operate internet businesses likely have their hands

That makes it hard to keep track of new developments. To see
who is doing what and how successfully. To generate ideas for
your own business. So what you need is a strategy to help you
keep abreast of what is happening on the internet and
specifically, in your area of interest - in as little time as

Here are some tips and resources to help you to keep track in
only minutes a day.

First you'll need a couple of sites you can count on to give
you accurate and timely information on the internet. Here's a
good one: Nua Internet Surveys.

This site houses a wealth of information on the internet, its
size, scope and influence. Here's an example of a recent

Report Examines Profitability of Business-to-Business Web

"42 percent of three-year-old business-to-business Web sites
in the US are now profitable, with another 14 percent
expecting to turn a profit within the next year, according to
the latest report from ActivMedia...."

Each story contains a link to related articles, so you can go
a little further if you choose. It also has a search engine to
help you hone in on exactly what you're looking for.

Another excellent resource, particularly for on-line
marketers, is

And here's a second method of keeping informed. Subscribe to
E-zines. An E-zine is an internet version of a magazine. They
lack glossy photos and fancy typefaces, but they can provide
you with valuable information on the subject of your choice.
There are e-zines published on just about any topic you can
think of. Here are a couple of e-zine databases. Take a look
and subscribe to several e-zines you think might be of value
to you. Then you'll have timely information arrive weekly,
bi-weekly or monthly, right in your e-mailbox. Subscribing is
easy, the e-zines are free and you can unsubscribe at any

A third way is to utilize a portal (start page) with a news
feature you can customize. For instance, I use excite, which
offers a NewsTracker Clipper Service that allows you to enter
key words. The tracker will find articles for you so you don't
have to search all over the web to find them. You can track
entire industries (or your individual competitors). A real
time-saver. Here's excite's URL:

About the Author

Mr. Beach is a corporate marketing veteran and netrepreneur.
His company, BUSINESS-OPP.COM, offers a Three-Step Process for
making money on the internet featuring guaranteed business