Living with the Terror of a Cyber Stalker

There are a large variety of individuals who have been forced to endure the terror that accompanies being the target of a cyber stalker. Just because this type of terror occurs largely online it can still be very frightening. In addition to this there is always the chance that even though this type of abuse often begins online, there are times when it can go beyond that and occur in real time as well. Being the victim of an individual who is harassing you online is bad enough, but when it escalates to real time threats it can be even more terrifying.

Internet investigations can do wonders in providing information to identify a cyber stalker. One such type of internet investigation that is very valuable and equally reliable is the performance of a reverse email look-up. All that is needed is the email address of the person who has sent the threatening correspondence and a large amount of information can be uncovered. Some of this information includes the person's name, address and phone number, where the person works, what type of browser the person uses, what websites they visit, their internet service provider and even the location of the computer which was used to send the unwanted communication.

Although there are numerous websites that claim to be able to deliver this information instantly and free of charge this is often not the case. A large majority of the time the information obtained about a possible cyber stalker through these various websites is largely unreliable because it is often incorrect. This is why there is no better way to get this information than by turning to a professional internet investigator who has the appropriate experience in this particular field of forensic science.

When you allow an experienced cell phone forensic internet investigator to conduct a reverse email look-up or other internet investigation to identify a cyber stalker, you are much more likely to get the information you need to stop future occurrences. The usual time frame for this type of internet investigation is anywhere from twenty four hours to fourteen days, depending on the extent of the situation. Once this investigation is completed you will be given a detailed report on the exact information which is uncovered. Another added benefit to a reverse email trace is that if the necessary identifying information is not discovered there is usually a no hit, no fee policy. This means that there is no charge when investigators are unable to identify the person suspected of cyber stalking.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman