Make Quality Content Your #1 Priority

Make Quality Content Your #1 Priority

 by: John Tulus

It is by now a proven fact that content is the most important element for getting better pagerank and, consequently, more traffic.

Furthermore, the best ranking websites have content that is better written than most other sites.

A common mistake is to think that Google spiders just consider keywords and layout in order to establish pagerank.

If you look at the top ranking pages for the most searched for keywords, you will see that the quality of the content has been essential for getting them better pagerank, not to mention the enormous amount of traffic that Google sends them as a consequence.

Let’s look at some of the key areas that we have to keep in mind when producing content:

1. Updates

If you don’t update your content frequently, your visitors won’t have a reason to come back, and Google will not consider your site for better pagerank. You may get a good initial pagerank, but if Google doesn’t see that the site is updated frequently, pagerank will surely fall as a consequence. The best frequency is once a week, when possible.

2. Grammar and spelling

Sites that are well ranked in Google have little or no spelling and grammar errors. Before uploading content, make sure to check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Microsoft Word’s spell-check may even be more than enough for this task.

3. Paragraph layout

Not only on websites, but in any type of message that implies text, lengthy paragraphs are difficult to read and readers loose focus on the content. Google is also aware of this fact and prioritizes short 1 to 4 sentence paragraphs.

The same applies to sentence length. Keep sentences brief and to the point with only relevant information. If there is an extensive idea that must be included, you can break it up into two or more sentences.

4. Keywords

On well ranked sites, references are made throughout a page to keywords and variations of the keywords. Always keep content relevant to the keywords that are referenced to your site.

5. Lists

Whenever presenting lists of items, it is better to show them bulleted or numbered and not in paragraph format. This is visually much better for your visitors and Google will also give it better pagerank. For example, see the difference with the text from this section in both formats:

Example 1 – Paragraph format:

When creating content, keep in mind updates, grammar and spelling, paragraph layout, keywords, and lists.

Example 2 – Numbered

When creating content, keep in mind:

  1. Updates

  2. Grammar and spelling

  3. Paragraph layout

  4. Keywords

  5. Lists.

Some final thoughts:

  • Always make sure that you have quality content on your site.

  • If you write your own content, try to have an editor or a professional writer look at it before uploading, until you gradually develop your own writing skills.

  • Make sure you update your content frequently.

  • Distribute some of your content freely to other websites. This will generate more links to your site and improve your pagerank as well.

  • If you don’t have writing skills and aren’t willing to pay a professional writer to continuously create content for you, you can opt to acquire content databases that will provide you with extensive content that you can update regularly.

Once you have your site up and running, focus on content from then on. The design and layout of your site may be a one time only process, but content needs to be taken care of and nurtured to generate traffic and keep those visitors coming back for more.