Microsoft CRM Customization: Integration with third party SQL Application/Database

Microsoft CRM Customization: Integration with third party SQL Application/Database

 by: Andrew Karasev

Microsoft CRM – Client Relationship Management package from Microsoft Business Solutions was initially designed to be customizable with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net and one of its programming languages – C#.Net or VB.Net. You can use ADO.Net, Web Service, Transact SQL scripting and stored procedures, deploy such SQL Server tools as Linked Server to all ODBC/OLEDB compliant database, including ORACLE, Sybase, Ingress, DB2, Unidata, Pervasive SQL, Ctree and even Lotus Notes/Domino. In this small article we would like to give you the clue on programming the integration with SQL third party Database.

First – use Microsoft CRM SDK to initiate communication with Microsoft CRM, we have it in C#:

String[] arr1 coll.AllKeys;

int loop1, loop2;

for (loop1 0; loop1 0?1:arr1.Length); loop1++)


String[] arr2 coll.GetValues(arr1[loop1]);

for (loop2 0; loop2 < arr2.Length; loop2++)


strAccountId arr2[loop2].Replace("}",null);

strAccountId strAccountId.Replace("{",null);



if (Page.IsPostBackfalse)


// Server should be set with the name of the platform Web server

string Server ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ServerName"];

// VirtualDirectory should be set with the name of the Microsoft

// CRM Virtual Directory on the platform Web server

string VirtualDirectory "mscrmservices";

string strDir "http://" + Server + "/" + VirtualDirectory + "/";

// BizUser proxy object

Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser oBizUser new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.BizUser ();

oBizUser.Credentials System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

oBizUser.Url strDir + "BizUser.srf";

// CRMAccount proxy object

Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRMAccount account new Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRMAccount ();

account.Credentials System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

account.Url strDir + "CRMAccount.srf";

Then you use ADO.Net for calling stored procedure with parameters to do the integration job:



string SQLStatement"ICSUpdateAccountPrivate '"+

strAccountId +"' , '" + this.TextBoxWorkPerformed.Text +

"' , "+doubleEncode(System.Double.Parse(this.TextBoxAnnualRevenue.Text))+" , "+

intEncode(System.Int32.Parse(this.TextBoxNumberOfEmployees.Text.Replace(",","")))+" , "+

doubleEncode(System.Double.Parse(this.TextBoxAverageGrowthRate.Text))+" , "+

"'"+this.DropDownListOwnership.SelectedItem.Text +"' , "+

intEncode(System.Int32.Parse(this.RadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Value))+" , "+

intEncode(System.Int32.Parse(this.TextBoxCredit.Text.Replace(",","")))+" , '"+


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection tmpConnection

new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionStringICS"]
