Mixing Grayscale and Colored Images

Mixing Grayscale and Colored Images

 by: Anna Lim

Photoshop has really come a long way. It has been widely used because of its great and numerous capabilities. With it, we are able to come up with our unique works of art. Our imagination and creativity are really enhanced by this software application. We can make impossible things especially in photographs to be possible. It has become so important in graphic art, graphic design, web design, and photography.

The mixing of grayscale and colored images are excellently done in Photoshop. You just need to be familiarized with the numerous tools in this application to mix grayscale and colored images successfully. It will also take you some time before you master it.

Truly, great concepts always come from experienced people. I agree that texture is a continuing theme in Dale Glaser's works. I’ve seen it in the three images which are included in the article. In “The Barn”, you’ll see how the second image is perfectly matched to the mood and tone of the overall photograph. In the "Rest Stop", texture truly provides color and visual continuity. The image is certainly difficult to decipher at first look but the shapes help the eye understand the unusual planes which have been bent to support the structure. In "The Beach", texture is everything – providing both field and substance.

I agree that the article must have the title “Photoshop Collector” because Glaser, the featured Photoshop enthusiast, is the main subject of the said article. I’m impressed with Glaser’s works because of their unique concepts. The mixing of grayscale and colored images has a great appeal to me. There’s something in it that I can’t explain. All I know is that I love staring at those photos.