Online Registration, Getting People to use it.

By now most event planners know about the benefits of using online registration in terms of saving time and money and in the added convenience. So let’s assume you’re sold on the benefits and you’ve gone out and set up an online registration system. Now what? Before you can reap the benefits of the system, you have to get people to use it.

With that in mind we’ve come up with a few tips on how to get event participants to use your online registration system.

Educate your customers:
Your customers may be used to faxing and phoning-in registrations, or they may think it’s too complicated, or just wary of providing information over the internet. Whichever it is, you should let them know why you are using online registration. Outline the benefits for them and for you. At a minimum they need to know that your online payment option is secure, that the form is easy to use and will make the process of registration easier and more efficient for all involved, and lastly, that you have a solid privacy policy about the use of information you collect on your registrants.

Make online registration the preferred or only option:
If you can get away with it, having online registration as the only option would be ideal because it saves you from having to do any manual data entry. If that’s too great a leap, you should still make it clear in all your promotional materials and on your event website, that online registration is the preferred method as it will make things much easier for both you and your customers.

Make it obvious:
Make the link to the online registration form prominent in all your promotional materials and on your event website. If you send an invitation or print an ad, make sure your customers’ eyes are drawn to information telling them where to register online. On your event website, give large, prominent, obvious clues e.g. “Click here to register online” in big letters or have a big “Register” button. If you must provide phone and fax registration numbers, make them less prominent.

Simplify the online form:
Make sure your online form is clear, concise and easy to use even for internet beginners. Keep text and graphics to a minimum and use colours and fonts that are easy to read. A confusing or hard to read form will quickly discourage people from registering online and make you look unprofessional.

Provide incentives:
Bribery is a great way to get people to do something. We all have a price. Offer incentives to customers who use your online registration system. Offer discounts or random draw prizes, for example, available exclusively to online registrants.

For more ideas and advice about online registration, please visit our website at or feel free to contact us at or 1.800.507.3759.

About the Author

Jim Romanik is the President and founder of ePly Services Inc. ( ePly provides custom online registration and payment processing services for conferences, business meetings and other events.