Printing and Marketing Lead to New Career

Printing and Marketing Lead to New Career

 by: Shannan Hearne

Press Release

January 20, 2004


Printed Promotion Products For Direct Sales Reps and Online Teamwork

Work at home mom of three, Michele Barber of, has been making printed promotional products for direct sales representatives since April of 2002. Chele’s Treasures offers affordable alternatives to corporate printing prices and graphical restrictions. All Michele’s designs are original and created on her computer, so direct sales consultants don’t have to worry about copyright infringements or any other disruptions to their marketing efforts.

Labels, business cards, postcards and stationery from Chele’s Treasures offer a polished business presentation for consultants for any business whether home grown or direct sales oriented. When asked which direct sales companies Michele did most of her work for, she answered, “I will print for any direct sales company. The company categories listed on my web site are those that I've done the most repeat business for. I originally started with the beauty companies because I had personal experience with them. Word of mouth referrals from beauty consultants were responsible for my success with direct sales consultants from other companies.”

Word of mouth is certainly living proof that Michele Barber’s work brings repeat business again and again. Given the large distance that much of Michele’s printing work travels once it arrives home with an advertiser, and the virtual local effects of having an internet based business, word of mouth has allowed her client base to grow nationally from coast to coast.

Chele has seen her highest printing demands fluctuate seasonally and is sometimes surprised by the products her customers most desire to see specialty printed. Candy wrappers, treat bags, recipe cards, and business cards roll in and out of favor. But the item she sells the most to both business and non-commercial customers is personalized note pads. “Everyone loves to add their own personality to their notes and personalized note pads allow them to do just that.”

While much of Michele’s client base is work at home moms, Michele herself is a work at home mom raising three children. The decision to work from home was ultimately made when as a newly single parent, Michele’s third child arrived with severe acid reflux and eczema. Many sleepless nights, trips to doctor’s offices, specialist hospitals and the demands required by two other children made it clear in Michele’s mind that corporate America wouldn’t have a place for her and her special time constraints. Working at home allows her to make a living without giving up parenting as her number one priority. Michele concedes that this isn’t always easy. “The most challenging part is being in charge of EVERYTHING! I am essentially the employer, employee and daycare provider lumped into one little person.” But she has risen to, and mastered, the challenge.

Michele admits that she and couldn’t have completely undergone the task alone. “I've been blessed with the right people in my life at the right time and supportive family members. My mother and grandmother have also been extremely instrumental in helping with the children to meet deadlines, special projects and in giving me the much needed "me" time that becomes so rare as a WAHM.”

Michele does not feel the need to march to the beat of the same drummer as her corporate America counterparts. She measures success in a manner that really matters. Says Michele, “The important thing to remember is that I have been blessed with these lovely gifts to juggle and as long as all needs are being met for each, then I'm succeeding. The old saying stands true, ‘You can do everything right with the wrong attitude and fail to succeed, but you can do everything wrong with the right attitude and succeed.’"

Not only has Michele’s business blossomed, but her personal life has as well. On March 17th, she received a marriage proposal from Donald Neisler of whom she’d met online in a local internet forum.

Donald also owns a local retail store and serves as the secretary and treasurer of the Paris R/C Association. His online customers find him via internet search engines, local advertising, sponsored pilots, and word of mouth from popular radio control forums and sites.

With their common interests in the internet and their goals, Michele and Donald began helping one another with their respective businesses. The relationship developed into something much more as did each of their businesses as a result of their working together. Donald’s certifications as a Microsoft Systems Engineer and Cisco Network Professional has aided in the growth of Michele’s business, including customizing and simplifying her ordering process. Michele has streamlined many aspects of Donald’s Hobby Center including newsletters, advertising, shipping, and customer follow up services. The teamwork has proven beneficial for both businesses.

Donald and Michele each bring a work at home parent aura to their businesses and to the internet community as a whole. Together, Donald and Michele will continue to serve their respective internet clients and serve future internet populations with their joint venture, Neisler Hosting. The internet has truly become a place to work and play for this high-tech couple!

Busy and well rounded, Michele totally exemplifies the self-employed home executive. Many people think that a work at home mom washes clothes, cooks and cleans all day, then squeezes in a little work time on the side. Michele is just the opposite, as are most WAHMs. We balance the demands of our homes and our families with the demands of our work. Perhaps we work a few unconventional hours or conduct business on a cell phone from mom’s taxi service, but we make up a growing part of the American business population. Chele’s Treasures has provided the marketing and community support to make it possible for many others.