E-mail messages often contain abbreviations and acronyms in an attempt to save time, shorten messages or conserve bandwidth. Here are some common ones and their meanings:
BFNbye for now
BTWby the way
CUAcommonly used acronyms, common user access
FAQfrequently asked question
FUD(spreading) fear, uncertainty and disinformation
FWIWfor what it's worth
FYIfor your information
GR&Dgrinning, running and ducking
HTHhope this helps
IAEin any event
IANALi am not a lawyer
IMCOin my considered opinion
IMHOin my humble opinion
IMNSHOin my not so humble opinion
IMOin my opinion
IOWin other words
JAGRjust a gentle reminder
LOLlots of luck, laughing out loud
MHOTYmy hat's off to you
NRNno reply necessary
OICoh, i see
OOTBout of the box (brand new)
OTOHon the other hand
OTTHon the third hand
PMFJIpardon me for jumping in
RFTMread the funny manual
ROTFLroll(ing) on the floor laughing (also ROF, L, ROFL)
RSNreal soon now (which may be a long time
SITDstill in the dark
TANSTAAFthere ain't no such thing as a free
TIAthanks in advance
TICtongue in cheek
TLAthree-letter acronym
TTFNta-ta for now
TTYLtalk to you later
TYVMthank you very much
WYSIWYGwhat you see is what you get
Commonly Used Emoticons:
:-) smiley face
;-) wink (light sarcasm)
:-| indifference
:-> devilish grin (heavy sarcasm)
8-) eye-glasses
:-D shock or surprise
:-/ perplexed
:-( frown (anger or displeasure)
:-P wry smile
;-} leer
:-Q smoker
:-e disappointment
:-@ scream
:-O yell
:- drunk
:-{} wears lipstick
:- male
>- female
The above abbreviations and emoticons were presented for your knowledge and enjoyment only. I highly recommend you use these sparingly, if at all, since not everyone knows what they mean.
There are hundreds of these things and their translations are by no means universal (a mis-interpreted smiley could lead to a flame).
Ooops, sorry! Here's the definition of flame: name- calling, personal insults, verbal attacks, trying to start a fight with someone, to criticize harhly in an e- mail.
About the Author
Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto: dean@lets-make-money.net
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