Resistance is Futile

Don't laugh, but I have a confession to make. After owning a business online now for almost 3 years, I finally looked into paying my bills online. Like I said, don't laugh.

I had to hear from quite a few people that they- pay their bills online, how easy it is, and how they have had no problems- just to take a look at the option. I have been resisting this "new" option with all of my being.

But I finally took the plunge, and momentarily, I kind of look forward to paying my bills. I still don't like parting with the money one bit, of course. But it is so easy, and new. I know, it will wear off.

This monumental leap of faith got me thinking about the businesses and people who are still resisting the way the world has changed, now that everyone else has jumped on the world wide web band wagon.

Getting Down to Business

A few days after setting up my account to pay my bills online, I received a newsletter in the mail from my local Credit Union and it had a short article about the fact that many merchants don't even use your check when you pay the bill. They use the data from the check, but can do without the
transporting of paper checks from one place to another. It is expensive and inefficient and soon will be history. I am sure we will being seeing more about this with the coming hike in the cost of postage. I think this is a strong indicator that everyone who resists the changes in technology will
soon be left in the dust. This effects everyone.

What about businesses? It is so aggravating when businesses you deal with are still resisting using email. Some resist implementing computers as well. As time goes on, do they really imagine they will stay in business? Have you noticed that the simplest products or businesses have their own website? Isn't that the first thing you look for with anything you purchase, or want
to purchase?

Get With It

If you aren't convinced that the majority of the people are using the internet, go to your public library and watch to see how many people are coming just to get on the internet. Those computers never get a break!

Or take a renewed interest in how many people you know have an email address. I tend to neglect getting that information from people, because I spend my time on the computer working, so I rarely feel like doing anything online that doesn't involve my business. So, I continue to be surprised at
the people that I know who are keeping up with the times.

Still, I bet you can list off at least ten people you know who would never, ever pop up in an instant message to say "Hi". But those people will, one day, and probably very soon.

My Grandparents are that way. I am amazed that they got a cell phone, because they don't even have call waiting on their home phone. I personally can't stand the thought of not being able to get through when someone is on the phone. Call waiting is a must for me. So I can never imagine them
operating a computer and I can never imagine them sending email. Something that is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night. And they have never sent one, never received one, and have no intention of doing so in the near future. They have seen so much of technology become reality. Their resistance is very strong, but I know the day will come.

I have a friend like that to. She had a old computer given to her. She doesn't realize how much easier using the computer would be if she got a newer one. Now, she has signed up with an ISP and pays less then $5 a month, which means she can only be online a total of five hours a month! I could use that up in my sleep!

How can they stand not giving in to what is now the norm?? While the internet isn't always what it is cracked up to be, today you just can not do without it. It is extremely useful and valuable to most people. Many are building their entire lives online.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

You can chat, complain, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, shop, pay bills, participate in auctions, fall in love, make friends, make a living, make trouble, explore new worlds, translate other languages, teach your children, find old friends, send greeting cards, send instant messages, send
email, get junk mail, file taxes, save money, invest, get ripped-off, get inspired, get support, get advice, get viruses, get mad, be entertained, become isolated, become a pest, become enlightened... all online.

This is not going to change. This is what makes up our world. We will only find more and more ways to lead a completely virtual life. Basically, when you get right down to it, Resistance is Futile.

About the Author

Written by Sara Hardy
Owner of MarketingTrendz, and Publisher of
The OnLine Exchange Ezine.
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