Seniors and the Internet

Last night I have conducted a little seminar on the topic
of using the Internet. While no age restriction was placed
in the ad, every participant was at least 55 years old.
Some were clearly of a retired age.

I have never worked with a group of seniors before, and my
assumption was automatically this: they know nothing about
the Web and I will have to take it really slow and carefully.
What I didn't realize is that I am in for a big surprise.

I think I learned more about the Internet than I taught my
wonderful group of participants. We had more of a fun
discussion rather than a class. Some asked questions,
others answered, and I watched in amazement just how much
these people already know about the Internet.

There are some interesting facts I learned out during our
2-hour seminar about people 55 and above, and I would like
to share them with you:

1. They have very inquiring minds, and are curious about
every detail of the Internet

2. They love to socialize and share their knowledge with

3. They use the Internet mostly for pleasure, information
and reading news

4. They visit any local events on the subject of the

5. They ask a lot of questions before buying or joining a

6. They are greatly concerned with credit card fraud on the

After the seminar was over, everyone stayed for another
unplanned 30 minutes to chat and get to know each other.
They had asked more questions, and offered even more
answers :-)

This experience reminds me once again not to assume much
about people you are trying to make your customers. Talk
to them first, ask them questions and listen. You might
be very surprised at what you'll learn.

About the Author

Milana Nastetskaya is a full-time web developer and the
author of "Create Your First Business Web Site in 10 days!"