Keith Baxter is well known among top Internet Marketers as the hands-down Internet Traffic expert. He’s considered the “go-to” guy when you want hoards of visitors to your site. Many use Keith’s techniques to cause a “traffic jam” of visitors. He’s just launched a site to help others do the same.
In a shady cyber-world of “gurus” whose fortunes are mostly smoke and mirrors – Keith is a bona-fide expert who rakes in a mind boggling income (I calculate he pulls in over $20,000 every month from just two ventures.) who really wants to help others succeed as well. Recently he graciously agreed to an interview.
AH: Keith, thank you for this chance to “pick your brain”. You’ve been very active in the past couple of months…releasing not one but two new sites. One is a huge success already and the second promises to be even bigger. Before we touch on those…what got you started in Internet Marketing?
KB: As silly as it sounds, I’ve run my own businesses since I was 13. Everything from computerized dieting systems to gas boosters. I was ‘online’ since the BBS days, but it didn’t occur to me it could be an incredible marketing medium until 1998. Since then, I’ve launched countless sites. Some were HUGE, while others failed miserably. In fact, I would estimate only 1 in 10 received moderate success while 1 in 50 “made it”. Yes, I’ve launched well over 50 sites. It wasn’t until 2003 that I began marketing to other marketers. I still run (I say ‘I’, but I hired others to run them) several profitable sites outside of marketing. You would be surprised at what can sell online!
AH: How long did it take you before you felt you were successful?
KB: When my baby was born… that’s when I felt successful
About the Author
Andy Havens is a writer and marketer.