That One Magic Word

I still have a vivid memory of the exact moment that
I caught my very first glimpse of that banner ad! It
said that I could Get Paid to Surf the Web!!! I
immediately knew it wasn't going to take me very
long to be bringing in a steady income!!!!

Little did I know, that was the beginning of a not
so long journey to discovering the vast black holes
of opportunities that lie out there on the internet!!!
Actually, it was an answer to prayer. And the
journey continues!!!

What it all boils down to, though, is one basic,
underlying truth, that I feel that too many people
are being duped into ignoring. THERE ARE NO
There is one "secret" to being successful in an
internet business (of any kind) that I believe we
all know deep down in our hearts that is always
true PERSEVERANCE. Hard work.
Keeping at it. And at it. And at it!

With that in mind, let's look at the word
PERSERVERANCE, and take it a step at a time!!!!
Within that word, are some timeless truths that will
ALWAYS help you to succeed in the end!

P - Pray and Plan - in that order! You can't get

anywhere without either!

E - Expect to get discouraged. Nothing goes

perfectly, and NOTHING happens in 1 day!

R - Read everything you can get your hands on about

business on the internet. Develop a discernment about

what is hype and what is truth.

S - Submit, submit, submit. Keep at it DAILY. Use

all your resources.

E - Everyone is NOT an expert. They may sound like

one, or claim to be one. But they had to start at

the beginning just like you.

V - Value is not always in dollars! Give yourself to

your customers! Give the REAL YOU!

E - Even if it means not making a sale, ALWAYS

be honest! You'll earn more in the long run.

R - Rest. Don't burn yourself out. This is NOT all

there is to life!!!!!

E - Enjoy Yourself!!!!!! Have fun at what you do.

You'll EVENTUALLY be successful...

IF.........You PERSEVERE!!!!

About the Author

Gail Hornback is a stay at home mom of 5, editor of
WebWorksAtHome Weekly Update, and
author of the WebWorks Website at Email to: