The Globalcom Story

Previously Globalcom used to simply distribute prepaid products in strategic locations in New York. We had four proprietary routes that we had set up and managed, however we saw then that all of us were working long hours with minimal profitability. We sold 3 of those routes, and with the profits became a carrier - and since 2001 Globalcom has grown.

We began building directs worldwide, but recently even those margins were quickly dropping, and now to prepare for the future we have a new business plan. Globalcom has signed contracts with international carriers in emerging and recently privatized markets to receive their complete A to Z traffic. Some of these carriers have invested millions in licenses, and networking equipment thus quality is of the utmost importance.

The carriers that Globalcom has dealt with in the past can be best described as Tier 2, or Tier 3 carriers, and quality was not the necessarily the most important element, it was just the rate. Globalcom has exclusive contracts that include SLAs (service level agreements) thus quality is the most important element. We can afford to pay more for good quality routes, because our carriers are charging the end consumer in their localities much more then the market in the United States. What this means is that Globalcom is positioned to generate more business, and receive more profits then as the average arbitrage wholesale carrier. We have strategic partnerships with carriers worldwide, and our exclusive contracts demand high quality service, with the most competitive rates.

Globalcom is looking for partners.

Globalcom is a switched carrier currently with 80+ million minutes a month concentrated on the Middle Eastern, Asian, Eastern European and Mexican markets. Our main point of presence is in Los Angeles, CA; however we can connect worldwide via VoIP. For more information about Globalcom please visit

Globalcom is looking for high quality carriers than can offer both A to Z termination, or niche market termination focusing on emerging and recently privatized markets. For 4 years Globalcom has grown from 2 people to 42; from 1 switch to 6 switches; from wholesale carrier sales to corporate telecommunication products and from a few markets to terminating to every corner of the globe.

Globalcom is currently looking to expand with the right partners, because this is simply the right time. We are bringing quality back to the forefront of telecommunication, and we are looking for the right carrier partners to purchase minutes from to continue growing in 2005.

Rajesh Chirunomula

110 W 40th ST, 508 A
NEW YORK, NY 10018
T: 800.501.4036
T: 646.775.7601
F: 646.619.4492
GSM: 646.796.4511

About the Author

It's our mission to be the primary connection to emerging markets worldwide. We've designed a unique and comprehensive suite of advanced voice, data and IP services to meet the international communications needs of our customers.