The Proper Way to Put Text Over Your Images

The Proper Way to Put Text Over Your Images

 by: Ariel Velasco

One must be very careful in using photos as backgrounds. If you are planning to have text written atop an image, you must have had acquired the needed software as well as the know-how required in this task. It’s not good to drive your car without the wheels on.

A good way to make you text readable is to lighten your background photos as much as possible in order to give greater emphasis on your text. For this purpose we have particular tools that can be of aid for this task.

Adobe PhotoDeluxe. This is an ideal tool for you to be able to manipulate photos in almost any way that you desire. It boasts of a user friendly console and this package includes 3-minute non-interactive QuickTime movie describing everything that the software can do. Also, the screen page layouts make each step of the manipulations very easy to follow.

Another tool than can be used for our purpose is the Paint Shop Pro. This also offers a friendly approach to photo manipulation. Several resources are available if you still need further instructions. Websites offering instructions and downloads are plenty and it would be very good to avail of these free information. Browsing the web is easy and you won’t have any hard time looking for the right site.

Making images with text on top can be a nightmare if you do not make the necessary study of the appropriate technique that go hand-in-hand with abovementioned software. As always, the importance of having the right knowledge is an indispensable tool in any task that you will be undertaking. Planning is an integral part of any task as this will give you ample time to prepare yourself as well as ready everything that is needed for the realization of any undertaking you put yourself into.