Turning Your Words Into Cash

The article written by Phil Philcox How To Sell Everything You Write, which is intended for publishers using the internet and e-mail, is all about the right thing
that writers who are interested in the online writing must do.

“If you've ever consider writing for money”, says Philcox, “the opportunities have never been better”. He also stated that “with access to the Internet you can reach editors around the world and get their reaction. People around the world read newspapers, magazines and books and they're interested in basically what we Americans are interested in: how to have a happy life, how to raise kids, how to buy a house or TV, how to save money or take a vacation and everybody's interested in a good fiction novel. So how come more American writers aren't tackling the foreign markets? One reason might be that foreign publishers are just that...foreign. Before the Internet and e-mail, you had to find their address, print out your letter, query or article, stuff it in an envelope, address it, attach postage and wait weeks for an answer”.

In the modern day, sending a piece of literature – poem, short story, article or even images like photograph or logo is easy with the use of computers. You can send it anywhere in the world you want to. Just add the addresses of magazine or book companies in your e-mail. Write an offer and e-mail it to them. If they’re interested their going to e-mail you and viola – a new found work! There are a lot of publications throughout the globe and there must be millions of writings needed.

Philcox has given several examples that you can deal with. Better Nutrition Magazine in New York is looking for articles on nutrition and health. You can reach the editor, James Gormley, at jamesgormley@intertec.com. Written a book on 20th century art? Send your query or outline it as many U.S. book publishers as possible, then send the same material to overseas publishers interested in the subject, publishers like the Librairie Didier Lecointre Dominique Drouet in France at libtour@cs3i.fr. That's one-on-one contact that could pay off.

There are also thousands of online magazines and e-books out there. Subjects may range from health, travel, business, the net and a lot more. Some are interested in American writers. If the subject is interesting they might buy it or even translate it in their own language. If you’re interested in online work don’t ignore the overseas market.

As advised in the said article, for those interested in publication, an IBM compact disk is available. It has a list of thousands of publications around the world - magazines sorted by subject, book publishers listed alphabetically by country/subject – take your pick. The countries covered include England, Europe, Australia, South America, Japan, China and everything from Nepal to South Africa, along with thousands of U.S. and Canadian publishers.

About the Author

This article was created for the sole purpose of propagating information that may be related to catalog printing and other industries to which it may be of interest.
For questions and comments about the Artcile you may contact the Author at info@catalogprintingexperts.com or visit http://www.catalogprintingexperts.com