Unleash The Power Of Email Marketing

A direct mail campaign can cost you a lot of money. Contacting people via phone or voice mail can be very time-consuming and frustrating. Given the inherent problems with these traditional marketing techniques, it`s important to master the basic strategies for incorporating email into your overall campaign.

As I`ve just shown you, sending out an email can be much cheaper and less of a hassle than other marketing methods. Proceed with caution, however. Email can also cost you a fortune in lost opportunities and cold hard cash if you don`t know the basics.

First, always keep in mind that your "primary objective". the master key that unlocks your potential success in Internet Marketing is to build your mailing list - your email mailing list. (Often referred to as your "In-house list.").

The addresses you collect are going to mean the difference between the middle-of-the-road results that Average Joe and Jane are achieving and the through-the-roof, over-the-top, to-the-moon-and-back mega-success that top online sellers achieve. (The difference rcan really be that dramatic.) So don`t miss the boat: There is no time like the present to start building your list of email addresses (prospects or leads).

You can begin to grow your list simply by capturing email addresses from people who visit your website.

Question: What`s the easiest way to convince people to give you their email address? Answer: Offer an irresistible freebie with a sign-up form on your site or in a pop-up box, drive traffic to your site, and watch as people start entering their email address.

Okay, so now you`ve "in the groove". you`re capturing people`s emails like crazy. But if you`re just sitting there - well, you know the old saying, "Even if you`re on the right track, you`ll get run over if you just sit there."

What next?

Let me take a moment from telling how to build your email list to remind you why building a list is so important. It`s been said that it is possible to make good money with an email list of only a thousand people. Think about that. Then stop thinking and get going on new ways to capture and keep email addresses.

If you want to keep getting addresses, start giving stuff away! Give, give, and keep finding more things to give! And since you can`t send a toaster through email, why not give the far more valuable and far more affordable for you information products, business tools, and expert advice - maybe even a no-cost/obligation email marketing course like this one!

If you can afford to do so, you can also purchase leads from a variety of opt-in list building companies. It's a great way to get started in building a really huge email list.

Always remember to keep in constant touch with your prospects. You`ll want to have a series of letters already set up so that they can be "dripped" on your prospects on a regular basis. Send a message daily, every other day, or on whatever schedule suits you best, but make contact at least once a week.

If you`re not confident enough in your writing skills, you have two choices: you can hire a professional to write the letters
for you or you can use a system, such as Stone Evans' Plug In Profit Site, already set up with letters to help you build your email list.

All successful internet marketers will tell you that "the money is in the list". If you`re serious about becoming a successful internet marketer, then you really should consider beginning your email campaign right away.

About the Author

Ronald Gibson is a Web Designer and Web Marketer. He is the Webmaster of AffiliateUtopia.com, which offers information about some of the best money making opportunities on the Web. For more information, visit Work At Home Ideas