Use your Webmail

Use your Web Mail

By Robert Nixon

Many ISP's and hosting companies have what is called 'Web Mail'.
This function lets you check your e mails from anywhere in the world
and can be used to your advantage.

First: If you have this option from your ISP, then do NOT do as I suggest here.

You do not have the versitlity and the storage space to do this, and you may lose Your ISP if you do.

IF you have your's via your hosting (where your domain is 'directed to' AND you have a large enough account with some megs ( at least 300 0r so) then read on.

The hosting companies I reccomend at this time that are reasonable are:

successfull and mastermind,
as for under a dollar a day you get a lot for your buck, I know there are others but since I do not use them, I can not reccomend them. (such as SBC,Bell South,Boiab,to name a few)

There are several levels you can select from but agian, have patience when setting them up and getting all the 'bells and whistles' to work, as it may take getting some bugs out for what you desire to have installed as a part of your service. (like MSQL,Frontpage extensions, etc.)

Remember: it takes about 24 to 48 hours just for your DNS to become effective from your domain registration service ( I use namesecure ).

What I have done is set up a mail box for each Association,Safelist and submission program I use on a regular basis.

Remember: Do not use your private mail box, the one that goes to your home PC.

When I send an ad out from my harvested e mails via my mailer program,
I have another two for it...the reply and the normal e mail addresses,and the 'removal' link.
(as required by law,by the way)

I also have one just for the comfirmation type of messages.
( as you know, many networked sites verify your emial before you can
place your ad, so I send that message here)

The benefits of this are immense.

Not only can I see what my safelist is sending, the trends,etc. but I can track which ads produce from where AND do not have thousands of emails on my download on my home PC.

It keeps any emails from bouncing.

This leaves my private e mail address box clean, and as this is the one I use not only for my personal e mails but for the newsletters I subscribe to, a good place for me to read what I consider important for research for this newsletter.

SAFELIST: This is either your own or one you belong to.

They are a form of opt in.

They are a great source of testing ads, but NEVER rely on them to make you a solid income unless you have your own.
If you are considering this, then be prepared to spend many hours a week maintaining it.

Another benefit of doing this method with 'web mail',

I can ignore all the 'replies' to my sent message, or not, if I choose.
What I really want is :
1.'click thrus' to the url I am advertising,
(which I keep track of using Opt in Lighting)
2. sign ups for the opt in's in the ad.
( my get respones timed release e mails)

I have lately noticed a trend of the over zealous sending ads to my 'feed back' link, to my 'webmaster' link on my site pages.

These I really hate and take the necessary action promptly to insure
they see the errors of their ways.
( note here: some companies use 'spyware' to seek out email addresses on the internet sites and in turn sell those, so you must be very polite in your letters to those sending ads to these addresses ).
Web Mail is a great tool IF you use it correctly.
You can check your mailbox's from any PC in the world.
It does have it's limits, so do not expect it to work like
your outlook etc. that you may have on your home or office PC.
It will keep traffic off your ISP thus keep the fear of losing it from
your mind.

About the Author

The Cpu Cash Network is dedicated to putting honesty and respect back into internet home business with solid products at affordable costs, useful tools and resources that will present 'home business' potential, or existing, owner's with information they need.