Using Brainstorming to Find Keywords

Use brainstorming technique to produce relevant keywords:

-to write something new
-to choose a domain name or an article/ebook title
-to choose the best keywords for a website
-to develop new web pages in an existing site

brainstorming mainly consists of two parts:

1. Produce

-every word you think, write it down
-every word is ok
-every word you see surfing that hits you, write it down
-type all the domain names you can imagine and see who is already using those keywords and how

-I would divide keywords on the net in two kinds:


for example "ebook" is the root and "write" "publish" "promote" is the related
Then you can develop it further just making a related word a root, so "write" became the root word and "easy" "fast" "and make money" those related, and so on

-make a session for every root word you want to work on


2. Select

Compare all the words you produced with the words you found with keywords search tool on the net, see if they repeat often and where they range in the keyword list

-reduce the list
-highlights words you read often
-do not delete words you didn't find in search tools
-there are different uses for the same keyword?

3. Choose

When you have to choose the brainstorming process is over.
Go on your favourite search engine and type every single word and all the combinations of them you choose, to see who already uses them and how.

At the end you will have some "new" keywords to use. If you are not satisfied with them, you can always start again.

About the Author

Saro Tribastone is an italian psychologist who is currently developing a website about: creative techniques, tools & web resources to write and promote ebooks; using creativity to find keywords; writing articles to get traffic.