Virus Hoaxes

Have you ever gotten an email message like this?


It is a virus that will erase your whole "C" drive. It will come

to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat

a friend sent it to me, but called and warned me before I opened

it. He was not so lucky and now he can't even start his computer!

Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather

receive this 25 times than not at all. If you receive an email

called "WTC Survivor" do not open it. Delete it right away! This

virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from your


Again,,, I urge all of you to make sure your virius scanners

are up to date daily!!!!!!


Sounds very bad, doesn't it? My, what a horrible virus. It, and
others like it, will eat your hard drive, destroy your email,
infect every other machine on your network and listed in your
address book, and even perhaps give you cookies and make your
car break down!

This email and others like it are simply hoaxes? How do I know
they are a hoax and not a real warning? Here's how it works. A
virus propagates (reproduces) by automatically sending itself to
all of the addresses in your address book. This is a fairly
complex piece of code, requiring a little knowledge on the part
of the person who created the virus.

Well, instead of writing code to propagate something, why not
ask some gullible people to do it for you? That's what these
hoaxes are all about - the "virus" is the email message and the
delivery system is human being.

Why will people do this? Sometimes it's just for a laugh, and
sometimes it's for more insidious reasons. Someone could send
out a message which claimed that any message from AOL contained
a virus, for example, in an effort to make AOL look bad.

Here is one of the first hoaxes known to have been sent out
across the internet. It went out in 1988.

SUBJ: Really Nasty Virus


I've just discovered probably the world's worst computer virus

yet. I had just finished a late night session of BBS'ing and

file treading when I exited Telix 3 and attempted to run pkxarc

to unarc the software I had downloaded. Next thing I knew my

hard disk was seeking all over and it was apparently writing

random sectors. Thank god for strong coffee and a recent

backup. Everything was back to normal, so I called the BBS

again and downloaded a file. When I went to use ddir to list

the directory, my hard disk was getting trashed again. I

tried Procomm Plus TD and also PC Talk 3. Same results every

time. Something was up so I hooked up to my test equipment

and different modems (I do research and development for a

local computer telecommunications company and have an in-house

lab at my disposal). After another hour of corrupted hard

drives I found what I think is the world's worst computer

virus yet. The virus distributes itself on the modem

sub-carrier present in all 2400 baud and up modems. The

sub-carrier is used for ROM and register debugging purposes

only, and otherwise serves no othr (sp) purpose. The virus

sets a bit pattern in one of the internal modem registers, but

it seemed to screw up the other registers on my USR. A modem

that has been "infected" with this virus will then transmit

the virus to other modems that use a subcarrier (I suppose

those who use 300 and 1200 baud modems should be immune).

The virus then attaches itself to all binary incoming data

and infects the host computer's hard disk. The only way to

get rid of this virus is to completely reset all the modem

registers by hand, but I haven't found a way to vaccinate a

modem against the virus, but there is the possibility of

building a subcarrier filter. I am calling on a 1200 baud

modem to enter this message, and have advised the sysops of

the two other boards (names withheld). I don't know how this

virus originated, but I'm sure it is the work of someone in

the computer telecommunications field such as myself. Probably

the best thing to do now is to stick to 1200 baud until we

figure this thing out. Mike RoChenle

So what should you do if you receive a warning about some
horrible virus? Generally, if these demand to be sent to everyone
you know, it's a hoax. If you are unsure, then check out the
following site:

Symantic Antivirus Research Center -

Go to the search page and enter a few words from the message
claiming to warn you about a horrible virus. Behold, you will
now read about the hoax. In fact, here's the datasheet on the
virus mentioned at the start of this article:


In any event, hoax or not, it's a good idea to just file the email
or delete it. Don't send it on to all of your friends. Don't do
anything dramatic. These things only gain power when people give
them power.

In other words, maintain your reason and don't give in to an
emotional response which simply floods email inboxes with junk.

About the Author

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets
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