Wealth for Free
When I started my on line company a year ago, I knew very little about optimizing my website. I had a very small budget so purchasing a prime spot on a search engine was out of the question. So my quest for free information began. There were so many sites offering how to books, companies offering their services ect… but not for cheap. I dug a little deeper. To my surprise, everything that I would have spent thousands of dollars on, you can get for FREE! Of course there is a lot of reading involved. You really have to be dedicated. I have self taught myself how to write content, keywords, and how to apply Meta tags. I even know how to write HTML, not an easy task. I now know the importance of Ezine articles and link exchange. The wealth of information is endless. I am learning new ideas every day.
Thanks to the generous people on the World Wide Web my site is climbing closer to the top every day. It takes time and a lot of effort. Every company out there will tell you they are the best, but truthfully there are no guarantees that they will get you the number one spot. Google is constantly changing their format. Just recently thousands of companies lost their top ranking with Google. So why spend thousands when with just some dedication you can apply their same methods for free. Here is a list of websites that helped me along the way. Some sites are offering a service for a fee but if you read carefully there is useful content that won’t cost you a dime!
Article by Kathleen Wade
Wealth for Free
An on line computer store selling computer hardware, software, and computer components.
About the Author
Kathleen Wade