website's for beginners

A Beginners guide to websites and traffic. By Mark White

When you take the first step into the scary world of business online everything seems to be against you and very, very unnerving.
You search a few forums and get hit with sentences like “ search engine optimisation “ , “ reciprocal links “ or “ meta tags “ and all of a sudden you are cast into the harsh world of computers when you have to learn a whole new language just to move forward.
Well, here I go and try and make those first few steps a little easier with the aid of some of the most useful sites and pieces of information I have found.


I am not an expert, just an average bloke who wanted to work for himself and have a bit of freedom with his work and now my workplace.

My first site was based on a friend of mine’s unfortunate redundancy from an optical factory which used to make the lenses for some of the high end sunglasses market telling me that there was an enormous profit to be had by buying fashion sunglasses and selling them on.
I tried for over three months to get these factories I had found on the internet to sell me a selection at wholesale price but at every corner I was given an absolute no!, not to be put off I went the way of replica sunglasses and found the opposite happened and everyone wanted me to buy from them, great , I found my supplier’s, now all I had to do was sell them.

The 1st step

This happened with the help of an ex-pupil ,( I used to be a driving instructor in the UK ) who worked as a website designer. He started me on the path of owning your own website and I thank him for his patience when he tried, and I am pleased to say, succeeded in teaching me all about website design and macromedia dream weaver.( )
If you want to try and design your own site dream weaver is very simple to use although a little expensive.
There are cheaper and, if you are lucky free programs for designing your own site to be had out there in cyberspace and a good place to start is one of my favourite freebie and useful information sites around site pro news ( )

Sitepro news

When I stumbled onto this site I couldn’t believe my luck, they have everything a person on the web could possibly want, need or desire. This ranges from a newsletter full of really excellent tips and information to a range of resources from site engine submitters to optimisation tools, all of them free or very cheap to use.
The adverts for services and tools that are available to you are subtle and you never feel that you are being pressured into buying something you may not need. They often feature links to sites that will be happy to sell you a template for a website , each to their own I say and if you want to get your site up and running as soon as possible then pre made templates are the way to go if not then sitepro news also offer superb HTML (programming language) snippets which you can cut and paste in your site.

Next time I will write about the next stage what to include in your site and ready to go live…………

My sites if you want a look are and

About the Author

I am not an expert, just an average bloke who wanted to work for himself and have a bit of freedom with his work and now my workplace.