What Can My Article Be About

So you’ve caught on to how important it is to write articles on the Internet if you want to promote your services and products. And you know you should be writing them. But you, yourself, see articles you know no one’s going to pick up because they’re advertisements, or boring, or full of grammatical errors and typos.

In other words, you’re seeing a lot of the same of thing, and you’re also seeing a lot of things you know aren’t print-worthy, and wondering what you can do that’s different.

Or perhaps you aren’t good at writing, don’t like to, or simply do not have the time. Anyone who is building a business or practice has their hands full juggling too many balls already, and if writing isn’t your forte, you likely do not have time to become good enough at it to be effective.

Here’s an idea. How about the interview? It has extra validity, because it’s about you, not by you; and well-written interviews are always interesting to read. There’s an art to it, but a professional writing service knows how to do this. And best of all – you don’t have to write it yourself!

Here’s how it works. The writing service will research your services and products, and then interview you on a topic or topics, depending upon what you want to emphasize. A series of interviews is always a good idea, but you have to start somewhere.

The service should provide you with a writer with an established reputation who is recognized on the Internet for his or her quality writing and substance. This will increase the chances of the article being read and also of being published. Perhaps more than if you wrote it, if you are a newbie on the ‘net. Not because you aren’t good; simply because your aren’t known.

The cost is usually quite reasonable considering the exposure this gives you, the neutral 3rd party effect, and the endorsement of a qualified writer.

An experienced interview-writer can usually gather the information they need in a 40 minute phone call after making a quick study of your website, and maybe an email or two with points you want to emphasize.

You can also present an article you’ve written which can be “tweaked” into an interview by an experienced writer.

The most important point is that the professional writer will also be experienced in marketing. She or he can then shape the interview so that it brings out what needs to be emphasized, and what will be of interest to your target market, written in a style that will appeal. They also will be skilled at making the special points the prospective consumer needs to know about.

Another reason for using an experienced third party is that in many cases, you are too much in the forest to see the trees, or did not get your degree in marketing! (Why would you have? You’re a business person, or professional, not a marketer!)

Here are a couple of examples from articles submitted this week to one of the popular article-bank websites where the writers could’ve used some assistance from a professional. Their names will not be given to protect the guilty:

1.“Imagine my surprise and delight this weekend though, when I just happened to glace [sic] at the website traffic stats of my oldest, and very first, domain name.” This glaring typo appeared in the article of someone advertising to write Internet copy for others. [sic] means “there’s an error here in the original, not in the way I copied it”.

2.“What really amazes me, with all the personal and professional development seminars people attend, from executives in corporate world, business owners and employees alike, very little investment has been made into the way they look … personal image.”

3.“The Final Word Looking successful is just as important as being successful.”

Ironically, as the last example is attempting to say, impression makes a difference, and you often don’t get a second chance. What the writers were trying to say had validity (I think), but because of the poor grammar and typos … well, the impression is a bad one.

One way you can really shine is to have good articles by you and about you on the Internet. They last a long time our there in cyberspace, so give it some thought.

About the Author

©Susan Dunn, MA, Marketing Consultant Coach, http://www.webstrategies.cc. We will submit your articles on the Internet, and write articles and interviews. Automated, affordable, huge submission list. We edit and write ebooks, and do market launch on Internet. We design websites and sales pages. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for fees and more information.