What Is Web Hosting?

What Is Web Hosting?

 by: HT Support Team

Web hosting can easily be described as a computer with information accessible to the general public. Just as your computer has files on it, your hosting account will have files on it…web files. Even though the concept is similar, your hosting account is not a full computer. You buy small or large portions of space on these computers known as “Servers”. So now you know the basics.

Let’s go a step further. With this new hosting account, you’ll more than likely need a domain name. A domain name is a name ending in a web suffix. In english, it’s a dot com, dot net. dot org, dot info, dot us; the dots go on and on. If you’re having trouble deciding what your domain name or dot com should be; here is a tip. Pretend you have no clue what your business or organization does. What would it take for you to find yourself? If you have a pet shop you don’t want a domain name like “billsdogscatsfishandbirdsandsupplies.com”. You’d want something easy like “petsandmore.com”. Thank short. Shorter domains are easier for people to remember.

How does the domain name and the hosting account work together? Your hosting company has what is a called a “name server”. This is a domain name assigned to your hosting company’s server. When you register your domain name, it will ask for a “DNS or Name Server”. The DNS will look something like this: NS1.HOSTINGTREK.COM. When you list YOUR domain name with your hosting company and list your hosting company with your domain name, the two will become married to each other. So, when you type www.yourdomain.com (only an example) the files on your hosting account will show up. This is what makes a web site.