Really Simple Syndication or RSS, is a valuable way to keep up with new information on interesting websites that you visit often. RSS uses a special XML code that constantly checks for updates or new information on a particular website, and then sends the information to subscribers.
RSS feeds as they are called are often found in blogs or internet news sites, however RSS feeds can be used by any website that has information to broadcast or publish. When new, updated information is sent, it will have a headline, and usually some text. This text will sometimes be a summary or a review of the full published or broadcast material. Also there will likely be a link that must be clicked on to read the entire article.
In order to accept an RSS feed from a website, you will need something called an aggregator. An aggregator is a small program that collects all of the your subscribed feeds into one place, so you can quickly get up to speed about your favorite websites. There are many aggregators that are freely available online. Another advantage of RSS feeds is the ability to access them from a PDA or cell phone.
When you find a website you want to subscribe to, you will need to add it to your aggregator. Adding to your aggregator can be done in one of two ways. Most websites that offer RSS have