You Need To Write-Right Now!

I've been shouting it for years, and I will probably keep shouting
for many years to come. If you want to get some quality, free
visitors to your website-You Need To Write An Ezine Article!

You can go ahead and admit that secretly you been toying with
the idea anyway. You've fantasized about one day checking your
email and seeing your name in the table of contents of your
favorite ezine. You've imagine what it's like to know that
hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people are reading YOUR words.
And then there's the glorious payoff: Some of these people will
visit your website. People who through reading your article
have already established a relationship with you and are therefore
more likely to pay real attention to what your website has to offer.
Ahh, what a lovely dream...

But I'm telling you today to STOP DREAMING. Open your eyes, open
up a new Word document and get started writing!

Of course, you need something to write about. I suggest one of two

(1) Write about whatever subject your website covers. If your
website is about Internet marketing, write about some of the ways
your website suggests marketing online. If your website sells chocolate
brownies, write about chocolate brownie recipes. If your website is
a Drew Barrymoore fan site, please send me the URL immediately. Just
kidding! Actually you could write and article about Drew's latest
movie or her fight with alcoholism. The point is, if you have
website-you have a topic.

(2) Write about something you know. We all have areas where
we excel, as well as subjects that interest us. For instance, I know a lot
about ezine articles so I write about them. One of the benefits of
writing about something you know is what I like to call the 'Expert
Factor'. If you write enough articles about a certain subject you
will eventually get known as an expert in that field online. People
will then trust what you say and will be even more inclined check
out any websites or offers you endorse. In a nutshell-you
gain credibility. And online that's a GOOOOD thing!

I'll just go ahead and blurt this one out because I know it's on
your mind: Don't worry about being an expert writer. Don't shy away
from writing ezine articles because you think you might misplace a few
commas, semicolons or dashes. This is the Internet, not the Oxford
Journal of Medicine. You're not trying to win a Pulitzer Prize. Just
write your article the best you can, re-read it several times, run
spellcheck, and then go from there. I also recommend waiting at
least half a day and then coming back and re-reading your article. This
allows your brain to basically re-boot and you may find some errors you
overlooked before. But don't stress; You should see some of the typos
I have made.

I'm not going to bombard you with everything there is to know about
ezine article writing today. This article was designed to just wet
your whistle a little bit. To get you in the mood so to speak. To
get you wanting to write and to give you ideas on what to write about.
I assure you there will be other article in the future that touch
on all the other aspects of ezine article writing. For now, though,
I'll leave you to your writing, me, I've suddenly got a taste for
some chocolate brownies...

About the Author

Timothy Ward is a webmaster and author who has just launched a new ezine called the Ward Wide Webzine. For more info visit: