Since its creation in 1991, there have been endless rumors about what Landmark education really is. Many of the rumors point to the course being part of a cult. There have been rumors of intelligent, middle class professionals apparently turning into automatons. Landmark education has long been believed to be an instrument for brain-washing and exploiting vulnerable populations so as to make a profit out of them.
Although the organization has rebutted these claims countless times, its assertion to delivering the secret to being truly human and promises of guaranteeing its students a greater future than they could imagine have further exacerbated the rumors.
Despite the mystery and rumors surrounding the organization and the course, Landmark education continues to draw increasing interest from the public and has experienced a 6% growth over the last year. The organization has spread to over 21 countries and can be found in more than 100 cities. The company has reported having a 10 percent rise in customers across its branches. This is evident from the fact that Landmark education drew more than 125 000 students in 2010 alone and the company